Speculative | Contemporary | Japanese Short Forms | Anthologies | Fiction | Art | Haiga | Commissions | Non-fiction | Exhibitions | Festivals and Conventions | Workshops | Books
"Ebola Virus", Dreams and Nightmares #58 (1/01, USA), Story House (8/02, USA)
"Firstborn", Dreams and Nightmares #58 (1/01, USA), Roadworks #16 (9/03, UK), Angels of the Meanwhile (06/2015, USA)
"Confession", frisson: disconcerting verse #21 (6/01, USA), Black Petals Vol. V, #1 (11/01, USA), Poetry Life & Times (12/01, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA)
"Child of the Porcelain Line", The Journal #2 (3/01, UK)
"Broken", The Journal #2 (3/01, UK), Poetry Life & Times (12/01, USA)
"After the War", Space and Time #96 (7/02, USA), Penumbric Vol. II, Issue 1* (6/03, USA), KidVisions (3/04, USA)
"They Do Not Sleep", Flesh & Blood #9 (3/02, USA), Aoife's Kiss #4 (3/03, USA)
"Bloom", Black Petals Vol. IV, #4 (8/01, USA), Body Horror (12/03, USA)
"A Mosquito's Tale", Black Petals Vol. IV, #4 (8/01, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA), Story House (8/02, USA)
"Dawn of the Shapeshifters", Mooreeffoc #5 (11/01, USA), Poetry Life & Times (12/01, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA)
"Cocoon", The Edge: Tales of Suspense #11* (9/01, USA), Poetry Life & Times (12/01, USA), Vacancy (03, USA)
"Moon", Hadrosaur Tales #13 (4/02, USA), Kisses For Kids (12/02, USA)
"In a Dark Corner", The Edge: Tales of Suspense #11* (9/01, USA), Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA), Vacancy (03, USA)
"Ramblings at the End of the World", Southern Gothic #2 (6/01, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA), Penny Dreadful (4/05, USA)
"Fed to Her", Southern Gothic #2 (6/01, USA), Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA), Night to Dawn #2 (8/02, USA)
"Reel", Southern Gothic #2 (6/01, USA)
"Shroud", frisson: disconcerting verse #24 (2/02, USA)
"Moonstone", Black Petals Vol. V, #1 (11/01, USA), The Catbird Seat (2003, USA)
"On the Sands of Venus", The Journal #4 (1/02, UK), Black Petals #28 (Summer 04, USA)
"Frozen", The Whirligig #4 (11/01, USA), Poetry Life & Times (8/02, USA)
"In the Belly of the Beast", The Whirligig #4 (11/01, USA)
"Hide and Seek", The Whirligig #4 (11/01, USA), Poetry Life & Times (8/02, USA)
"Endgame", The Whirligig #4 (11/01, USA), Hadrosaur Tales #17 (12/03, USA), Outposts of Beyond (04/15, USA)
"The Search", Wicked Hollow #1 (1/02, USA)
"Petals", Flesh & Blood #10 (10/02, USA), The Dark Krypt (9/04, USA)
"The Flood", Wicked Hollow #1 (1/02, USA)
"Spread", Tapestry (8/01, USA), Night to Dawn #2 (8/02, USA), Body Horror (12/03, USA)
"The Path", Tapestry (8/01, USA), Poetry Life & Times (12/01, USA)
"Eaters of the Dead", Fables (6/02, USA), Decompositions (11/03, USA)
"Demonic Tryst", Parchment Symbols #9 (02, USA)
"Box", Parchment Symbols #9 (02, USA)
"Troll Poll", The Wandering Troll (10/01, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA)
"The Marvel of Flight", Wicked Hollow #1 (1/02, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA)
"Postwar", The Pedestal Magazine (11/01, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA), Penumbric Vol. II, Issue 1* (6/03, USA)
"Revelation", Parchment Symbols #9 (02, USA), KidVisions (6/04, USA)
"Bone Warrior", Parchment Symbols #9 (02, USA)
"Demon for a Day", Parchment Symbols #9 (02, USA)
"Inside", Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA), Lunatic Chameleon Online (7/02, USA)
"Red Igloos", Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA)
"Elixir", Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA)
"By Night", Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA)
"Twisted", Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA)
"Reborn", Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA), Night to Dawn #2 (8/02, USA)
"Ash", Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA)
"Changeling", Black Petals Vol. V, #2* (1/02, USA)
"Margritte of Merlot", Fables (12/02, USA)
"Reverberations", The Martian Wave Edition 5 Issue 2 (3/02, USA)
"Antimatter", The Fifth Di.. Edition 4 #2 (4/02, USA)
"Alterearth", The Martian Wave Edition 5 Issue 3 (5/02, USA)
"Time Travel", Hadrosaur Tales #14 (6/02, USA), Kisses For Kids (12/02, USA)
"Space Leviathans", Hadrosaur Tales #15 (1/03, USA), Outposts of Beyond (04/15, USA)
"Prey", Night to Dawn #1 (2/02, USA), Blood Rose (03, USA)
"Fellowship among Vampires", Night to Dawn #1 (2/02, USA), Blood Rose (03, USA)
"Doomsday", Night to Dawn #1 (2/02, USA), Aoife's Kiss #3 (12/02, USA)
"A Baptism in the Land of Allegra", Night to Dawn #1 (2/02, USA), Twilight Tales* (4/02, USA), Aoife's Kiss #3 (12/02, USA)
"Blue Blooded", Night to Dawn #1 (2/02, USA)
"Thorns", Night to Dawn #1 (2/02, USA)
"The Day After Halloween", Night to Dawn #1 (2/02, USA)
"Turn", Night to Dawn #1 (2/02, USA)
"Sustenance", Night to Dawn #1 (2/02, USA)
"Lobotomy", The Whirligig #5 (4/02, USA)
"Newborn", Yellow Bat Review #3 (6/02, USA), Lunatic Chameleon Online (7/02, USA)
"Adrift", Aoife's Kiss #1 (6/02, USA)
"The Fruit of Loathing", Aoife's Kiss #1 (6/02, USA)
"On a Quiet Night at the Cemetery", Space and Time (03, USA)
"Bug City", The Whirligig #5 (4/02, USA)
"Osteo", Dreams and Nightmares 62 (6/02, USA)
"Turtle Shell", Aoife's Kiss #2 (9/02, USA)
"The Scarecrow", Aoife's Kiss #2 (9/02, USA)
"Thousand-Year Journey", Star*Line (03, USA)
"Retaliation", Rogue Worlds #7 (10/02, USA)
"Burrow", Electric Velocipede #3 (11/02, USA)
"Snow Tomb", Electric Velocipede #3 (11/02, USA)
"Absinthe", Wicked Hollow #3 (7/02, USA), Night to Dawn #5 (6/04, USA), Bloodbond (5/15, USA)
"Visitation by Lady Death", Black Petals Vol. V, #4 (7/02, USA), EOTU (10/02, USA)
"Dark Secrets", Black Petals Vol. V, #4 (7/02, USA)
"Blood Locust Storm", Black Petals #22 (1/03, USA)
"Closet", Black Petals #23 (4/03, USA)
"Angel Flesh", Black Petals #23 (4/03, USA)
"Itchy", Other Dimension (6/02, USA), Black Petals #28 (Summer 04, USA)
"Punishment", Whispers from the Shattered Forum #11 (10/02, USA)
"Legacy", Whispers from the Shattered Forum #11 (10/02, USA)
"Elevator to the Skies", The Martian Wave (9/02, USA)
"Blood Sand", The Fifth Di… (12/02, USA)
"Evolution", Hadrosaur Tales #16 (6/03, USA)
"The Acid Girl", Lunatic Chameleon #1 (9/02, USA)
"Bruises", Lunatic Chameleon #1 (9/02, USA), 1000 VOICES (4/03, Mexico)
"Enigma", Bare Bone #4 (9/03, USA), Body Horror (12/03, USA)
"Future State", The Fifth Di… (2/03, USA)
"Unseen Forces", The Fifth Di… (6/03, USA)
"Space Rock", The Martian Wave (11/02, USA)
"Toward Mercury", The Martian Wave (1/03, USA), Penumbric (04, USA)
"On the Battlefield", Night Shopping #1 (8/02, USA)
"Neptune", Night Shopping #1 (8/02, USA)
"Atlas", Star*Line (3/03, USA), Beyond Centauri (4/04, USA)
"Seasonal Creatures", Flesh & Blood #12 (8/03, USA), Aoife's Kiss (04, USA)
"Crawlspace", Mythic Delirium #8 (03, USA), Shadowland (04, USA)
"Restitution", Lunatic Chameleon #1 (9/02, USA)
"At Death's Door", Poetry Life & Times (8/02, USA)
"Individually-Wrapped Candies", Poetry Life & Times (8/02, USA), Beyond Centauri (7/04, USA)
"Diamonds on Jupiter", The Martian Wave (1/03, USA)
"Cooking Eggs on Venus", The Martian Wave (4/03, USA)
"Law of the Jungle", Whispers from the Shattered Forum #13 (6/03, USA)
"Vision", Whispers from the Shattered Forum #13 (6/03, USA)
"Beyond the Nile", Whispers from the Shattered Forum #13 (6/03, USA)
"Restoration", Electric Velocipede #4 (5/03, USA), Naked Snake Online (12/03, USA)
"Underwater", Electric Velocipede #4 (5/03, USA)
"Portal", Andromeda Spaceways #2 (8/02, Australia), Kisses for Kids (6/03, USA), Spaceports & Spidersilk (01/15, USA)
"Ravenous", Wicked Hollow #4 (10/02, USA), Night to Dawn #5 (6/04, USA)
"Crimes of Our Youth", Wicked Hollow #4 (10/02, USA), Aoife's Kiss (04, USA)
"Decomposition", Lunatic Chameleon #1 (9/02, USA)
"Cut", Lunatic Chameleon #1 (9/02, USA), Between Kisses (4/04, USA)
"Abyss", Yellow Bat Review #4 (10/02, USA)
"Universal Tales", Rogue Worlds (1/04, USA)
"Father and Son", Lunatic Chameleon #2 (4/03, USA)
"Golden Eyes", Aoife's Kiss #4 (3/03, USA), Night to Dawn #5 (6/04, USA)
"Death of a Thousand Paper Cuts", Dark Animus #2 (2/03, Australia), Shadowland (04, USA), Disturbed Digest (June 2015, USA)
"Flung", As Of Yet Untitled #2 (04, USA)
"Microverse", As Of Yet Untitled #1 (04, USA)
"The Lady of the Lake", Penumbric Vol. I, Issue 5 (2/03, USA)
"As She Walked By", Penumbric Vol. I, Issue 5 (4/03, USA)
"Phoenix Rise and Fall", Penumbric Vol. I, Issue 4 (12/02, USA)
"Bottled Quiescence", Dark Animus #4 (8/03, Australia)
"The Corpse", Night to Dawn #3 (2/03, USA)
"Last Supper", Night to Dawn #3 (2/03, USA)
"Newly Ordained", Night to Dawn #3 (2/03, USA)
"In the Beginning", Penumbric Vol. II, Issue 3 (10/03, USA)
"That Evening", Penumbric Vol. II, Issue 3 (10/03, USA)
"Christmas Eve", Penumbric Vol. I, Issue 4 (12/02, USA), Naked Snake Online (12/03, USA)
"Shrunken Monkey Heads", Dark Animus #2 (2/03, Australia), Penumbric (04, USA)
"The Tale of Hideous Heidi", Dark Animus #3 (5/03, Australia)
"Silence", Lunatic Chameleon #2 (4/03, USA)
"The Summoning", Dreams and Nightmares #65 (5/03, USA)
"Skin and Bone", Lunatic Chameleon #2 (4/03, USA), Night to Dawn #5 (6/04, USA)
"Orbs", Lunatic Chameleon #2 (4/03, USA)
"Beyond a Hundred Years", Mythic Delirium #9 (9/03, USA), Hadrosaur Tales 21 (12/04, USA)
"The Giants of Easter Island", Hadrosaur Tales #18 (03, USA)
"In Stasis", Penumbric Vol..II, Issue 4 (12/03, USA)
"Journey into Space", Penumbric Vol..II, Issue 4 (12/03, USA)
"Carousel", Aoife's Kiss #5 (9/03, USA)
"Fool's Theory", Aoife's Kiss (6/03, USA)
"A Gentleman's Dinner", Flesh & Blood #13 (8/03, USA)
"Children of the First Explorers", Dark Animus #3 (5/03, Australia), Aoife's Kiss (6/04, USA)
"The Rapture", Dark Animus #5 (12/03, Australia), Quietus Magazine Vol.2, Issue 1 (04, USA)
"Fever", Blood Rose (3/03, USA)
"Disposal", Blood Rose (8/03, USA)
"Obsidian", Lunatic Chameleon #2 (4/03, USA), EOTU (2/04, USA)
"When It Is Over", Wicked Hollow #6 (4/03, USA)
"The Awakening", Penumbric (03, USA)
"The Haunting", Electric Velocipede #5 (9/03, USA)
"Seven", Scared Naked Magazine #3 (6/03, USA)
"Ghost Month", Space and Time #100 (07, USA), Eye to the Telescope (October 2016, USA)
"Violation", 1000 VOICES (4/03, Mexico)
"The Art of Weaving", Flesh & Blood #14 (6/04, USA), Disturbed Digest (03/15, USA)
"The Guardian", Lunatic Chameleon #3 (10/03, USA)
"Sleep Takes a Vacation", Dark Animus #6 (5/04, Australia), Illumen (August 2015, USA)
"Transformations" with Mike Allen, Star*Line 27.1 (1/04, USA)
"Succubus", Penumbric Vol. II, Issue 1* (6/03, USA)
"Politics of the Solar System", Penumbric (6/04, USA)
"Godbody" with Mike Allen, Penumbric (6/04, USA)
"The Last Angels", Lunatic Chameleon #3 (03, USA)
"Cataclysm", Hadrosaur Tales 20 (8/04, USA)
"Troll", Beyond Centauri (10/03, USA)
"From the Troll Factory", Aoife's Kiss (9/03, USA)
"The Skeleton Family", Kisses for Kids (9/03, USA)
"Late At Night", Yellow Bat Review #6 (03, USA)
"Hell's Moon", Aoife's Kiss (9/03, USA)
"Monsters are not real", Aoife's Kiss (9/03, USA)
"In Her Palm Lies Nature", Aoife's Kiss (12/03, USA)
"In A Cabin Up In The Mountains", Beyond Centauri (10/03, USA)
"The Other Side", Lunatic Chameleon #3 (03, USA)
"Wormhole", Jupiter Magazine #3 (1/04, UK)
"Evolution II", Jupiter Magazine #3 (1/04, UK)
"The Last Martian", Jupiter Magazine #3 (1/04, UK)
"Chasing Stars", Jupiter Magazine #3 (1/04, UK), Outposts of Beyond (04/15, USA)
"An Ode to Longevity", Shadowland (04, USA)
"Mythology", Shadowland (04, USA)
"Twins: One Gifted, One Not", Shadowland (04, USA)
"The House", Scared Naked Magazine (04, USA)
"The Bone Carver", ChiZine (10/03, USA)
"The Journey", Lunatic Chameleon #4 (04, USA), Shelter of Daylight (Summer 11, USA)
"Second Life", Lunatic Chameleon #4 (04, USA)
"One Quiet Night ", Decompositions (1/04, USA)
"Adaptation", Beyond Centauri (1/04, USA)
"Delicate", Night to Dawn #5 (6/04, USA)
"Kitty Lies Placidly", A Calender in Poetry and Art (10/03, USA)
"Under the Bed", A Calender in Poetry and Art (10/03, USA)
"Sorry About Your... That", Poetryfox (11/03, USA)
"The Nightmare Avatar's Nightmare" with Mike Allen, H.P. Lovecraft's Magazine of Horror Spring/Summer 2007 #4 (10/07, USA)
"Longevity", Blood Rose (04, USA)
"I, Now", The Fifth Di.. (12/03, USA)
"The Sentinel", The Dark Krypt (9/04, USA)
"Maria Does Not Like The Light", Neverary #3 (12/03, USA)
"Resurrection Dreams", Penumbric (04, USA), Tales of the Talisman 2.3 (12/06, USA)
"One Dark Night", Quietus Magazine Vol.2, Issue 1 (04, USA)
"Under the Bed", Beyond Centauri (4/04, USA)
"Jack-in-the-Box", Beyond Centauri (4/04, USA)
"Magda Stocks Up", ChiZine (1/04, USA)
"Jupiter's Fury", Hadrosaur Tales 21 (12/04, USA)
"The Art of Parenting", Scared Naked Magazine (3/04, USA)
"Purgatory's Sea", Penumbric (04, USA)
"Bella Goes Hunting", The Fifth Di.. (3/04, USA)
"Adventures in Wonderland", Trunk Stories #2 (2/05, USA)
"Suicide Drop", Black Petals #28 (Summer 04, USA)
"Reversal of Fortune", Black Petals (04, USA)
"Nodule", Black Petals (04, USA)
"Through the Woods", Poe Little Thing #1 (6/04, USA)
"Asunder" with Mike Allen, Star*Line (04, USA)
"The Magic of Crystals", Mythic Delirium (8/05, USA)
"Perfect Canvases", Scared Naked Magazine* (9/04, USA)
"Return of the Killer Flower", Scared Naked Magazine* (9/04, USA)
"The Measurement of Fear", Scared Naked Magazine* (9/04, USA)
"Racing Toward My Grave", Penumbric (04, USA)
"Passing Through", Tales of the Talisman Magazine Vol. 1, Issue 1
"Medusa in LA", Tales of the Talisman Magazine Vol. 1, Issue 1
"Pest Removal Service", Electric Velocipede #8 (2/05, USA)
"Just as Papa Said", Electric Velocipede #8 (2/05, USA)
"In the Wake of War", Penny Dreadful (4/05, USA)
"The Fall", Penny Dreadful (4/05, USA)
"Boy I Love You", Story House (6/05, USA)
"Miss Cossie's Pies", Electric Velocipede (06, USA)
"The World's Edge", Electric Velocipede (06, USA)
"The Gathering", Poe Little Thing #4 (12/05, USA)
"Your Birth Day", The Journal #21 (08, UK)
"Mercury Rising", Tales of the Talisman 4.4 (3/09, USA), Aoife's Kiss (12/11, USA)
"Earth 2007", Tales of the Talisman 6.1 (6/10, USA)
"Freefall into Jupiter", Tales of the Talisman 7.1 (6/11, USA)
"Daufin", Tales of the Talisman Volume 7, Issue 3 (12/11, USA), Illumen (August 2015, USA)
"Red Planet", Aoife's Kiss (9/11, USA)
"Exquisite", Shelter of Daylight (Summer 11, USA)
"Zombie Apocalypse", Cover of Darkness (9/11, USA)
"The Monolith", Aoife's Kiss (12/12, USA)
"Gaea's Eulogy", Aoife's Kiss (12/12, USA)
"The Edge of the Cosmos", Aoife's Kiss (3/13, USA)
"Discoveries", Aoife's Kiss (3/13, USA)
"Allegra", Tales of the Talisman Volume 8 Issue 3 (2013, USA)
"Dreams of Bone", Mythic Delirium 0.3 (2014, USA)
"The Empty Road", Tales of the Talisman Volume 10 Issue 3 (2015, USA)
"The Woman in the Coffee Shop", Lontar #5 (2015, Singapore)
"The New World", Lontar #5 (2015, Singapore)
"Miranda", Dreams and Nightmares #101 (May 2015, USA)
"The Star Chaser", The Martian Wave 2015 (July 2015, USA)
"Inheritance", Spectral Realms #3 (July 2015, USA)
"Mother", Spectral Realms #3 (July 2015, USA)
"100 Days in the International Space Station", Scifaikuest Anniversary Print Issue (August 2015, USA)
"Encapsulated", Grievous Angel (July 2015, UK)
"New Horizons Visits Pluto", Grievous Angel (July 2015, UK)
"The Andromeda Galaxy", Grievous Angel (July 2015, UK)
"Worst Spell Ever", Scifaikuest Print Issue (November 2015, USA)
"Moonrise", Spectral Realms #3 (July 2015, USA)
"The Storm Creatures", Apex Magazine (2016, USA)
"Kitty Through The Looking Glass", Spaceports & Spidersilk (April 2015, USA)
"Sled Kittens", Spaceports & Spidersilk (January 2016, USA)
"Over the Air", Scifaikuest Print Issue (February 2016, USA)
"Kelpie", Disturbed Digest (June 2015, USA)
"An Apology", Star*Line 38.4 (October 2015, USA)
"The War That Never Happened", Eye to the Telescope No. 16 (15 April 2015, USA)
"The Perfect Planet", Apex Magazine (2016, USA)
"Singularity in a Jar", Space and Time #125 (April 2016, USA)
"Starlight", Space and Time #129 (2017, USA)
"Extreme Sports: Space Edition", Scifaikuest Online (February 2016, USA)
"Just When We Landed", Scifaikuest Anniversary Print Issue (August 2015, USA)
"Concepts", Star*Line 38.4 (October 2015, USA)
"Halloween on the International Space Station", Scifaikuest Print Issue (November 2015, USA)
"Bone Fences", Spectral Realms #4 (2015, USA)
"Death Walks on Halloween", Scifaikuest Online (November 2015, USA)
"Halloween Detour", Scifaikuest Print Issue (November 2015, USA)
"Metamorphosis", Spectral Realms #4 (2015, USA)
"Fog of War", Spectral Realms #4 (2015, USA)
"The Dissection", Apex Magazine (September 2015, USA)
"Saturn's Rings", Scifaikuest Online (February 2016, USA)
"Exquisite Corpses", Scifaikuest Print Issue (February 2016, USA)
"Dawn of the Repair Nanos", Scifaikuest Print Issue (February 2016, USA)
"Signal from Ceres", Grievous Angel (July 2015, UK)
"The Confluence", Star*Line 38.4 (October 2015, USA)
"Ode to Pluto", Astronomers Without Borders (July 2015, USA)
"The Twin Lights on Ceres", Astronomers Without Borders (August 2015, USA)
"Venus and Jupiter Conjunction", Scifaikuest Print Issue (February 2016, USA)
"The Man with Red Eyes", Scifaikuest Print Issue (November 2015, USA)
"Found on Tethys", Astronomers Without Borders (August 2015, USA)
"Chimera Dreams", Astronomers Without Borders (August 2015, USA)
"On Charon", Scifaikuest Online Issue (February 2016, USA)
"The Stomach, A Cauldron", Grievous Angel (2015, UK)
"Twenty Years", New Myths (September 2015, USA)
"55 Cancri e", Astronomers Without Borders (August 2015, USA)
"Ski on Triton", Astronomers Without Borders (August 2015, USA)
"UCF-1.01", Astronomers Without Borders (August 2015, USA)
"Life on Ceres", Focus (2016, UK)
"Ceres Mystery", Focus (2016, UK)
"Jurassic Fleas", Focus (2016, UK)
"Weighing Tiny Things", Focus (2016, UK)
"Uranus", Focus (2016, UK)
"The Alp", Disturbed Digest (September 2015, USA)
"We Are All Caged Beasts", Disturbed Digest (September 2015, USA)
"Night Belongs to Death", Outposts of Beyond (October 2015, USA)
"Mission to Pluto", New Myths (December 2015, USA)
"Invisible Girl", Lontar #6 (2016, Singapore)
"10 Days in the Gardens", Lontar #6 (2016, Singapore)
"When It Happened", Lontar #6 (2016, Singapore)
"Ice on Pluto", Spaceports & Spidersilk (October 2015, USA)
"Swamp Thing", Scifaikuest Online Issue (May 2016, USA)
"Annual Journey", Scifaikuest Print Issue (May 2016, USA)
"Umbrellas for Venus", Scifaikuest Online Issue (May 2016, USA)
"Blood Moon", Scifaikuest Print Issue (May 2016, USA)
"Diamonds on Neptune", Grievous Angel (13/1/2016, UK)
"The Dyson Sphere", Grievous Angel (2015, UK)
"Zoanthid Corals", Scifaikuest Online Issue (May 2016, USA)
"3D Printing", Star*Line 39.1 (January 2016, USA)
"First Hour on Ceres", Star*Line 39.1 (January 2016, USA)
"The Atomizer and The Matchbox", Ghostlight (February 2016, USA)
"Beneath the Shifted Sand", Scifaikuest Print Issue (May 2016, USA)
"Nuclear Summer", Scifaikuest Print Issue (May 2016, USA)
"Dragon Dreams", Scifaikuest Anniversary Print Issue (August 2016, USA)
"Type II Kardashev Civilization", Scifaikuest Anniversary Print Issue (August 2016, USA)
"Mirror to the Other Side", Mythic Delirium (2016, USA)
"Amongst the Stars", FrostFire Worlds (February 2016, USA)
"Satellites", Astronomers Without Borders (November 2015, USA)
"Birthing Season", Astronomers Without Borders (November 2015, USA)
"Remnants", Scifaikuest Print Issue (August 2016, USA)
"On Ceres", Astronomers Without Borders (December 2015, USA)
"After the Radiation Leak", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Moon Creatures", Polu Texni (2016, USA)
"Life on Jupiter", Scifaikuest Online (August 2016, USA)
"Good Help", Scifaikuest Print (August 2016, USA)
"At the End of Time", Grievous Angel (13/1/2016, UK)
"The Endless Night", Spectral Realms #5 (2016, USA)
"Menzel 2", Astronomers Without Borders (December 2015, USA)
"Devourer of the World", Devolution Z (January 2016, USA)
"Children in the Apocalypse", Devolution Z (February 2016, USA)
"A Mermaid Dreams", Scifaikuest Print (May 2016, USA)
"Martian Bug Bite", Scifaikuest Print (August 2016, USA)
"Dead Butterfly", Scifaikuest Online (August 2016, USA)
"Dancer", Spectral Realms #5 (2016, USA)
"Midnight", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Flu Pandemic", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Grid Lines", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Tree on a Hill", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"On Leviathan's Wing", Illumen (Spring 2016, USA)
"Descent of the Jellyfish", Illumen (Spring 2016, USA)
"A Discovery in Space", Outposts of Beyond (April 2016, USA)
"Unvictorious", Heroic Fantasy Quarterly (February 2016, USA)
"The Necromancy Program", Star*Line 39.2 (April 2016, USA)
"Finally Having Fun", Star*Line 39.2 (April 2016, USA)
"Supernova", Astronomers Without Borders (25 January 2016, USA)
"Fukushima", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Black Opal Skies", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Sun Death", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Standing Still", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Midnight Patrol", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Wireless Charging", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Each Solar Flare", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Kill Order Approved", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Witching Hour", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Rare Peaceful Day", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Invaders on Venus", Outposts of Beyond (2016, USA)
"From Mercury to the Sun", Outposts of Beyond (2016, USA)
"Zeus", Outposts of Beyond (2016, USA)
"Eye in the Sky", Outposts of Beyond (2016, USA)
"Dragon Plumes", Outposts of Beyond (2016, USA)
"Star Stuff", Star*Line 39.2 (April 2016, USA)
"First Contact", Star*Line 39.2 (April 2016, USA)
"Philae's Landed", Jupiter Magazine (2016, UK)
"Sunset", Star*Line 39.2 (April 2016, USA)
"Ichthyosaur Birth", Lontar #7 (2016, Singapore)
"Une Nouvelle Vie", Lontar #7 (2016, Singapore), The Jewish Mexican Literary Review (December 2017, Mexico City)
"Life on Venus", Eye to the Telescope #20 (April 2016, USA)
"Planetary Alignment", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Hole in my Spacesuit", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Snowchaser Berries", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Moonless Sky", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Twin Moons Rise", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Spaceship Descending", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"First Night on our New Planet", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Leaves of Chartreuse", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Obsidian Sky", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Red Roses Crushed Underfoot", Scifaikuest* (November 2016, USA)
"Snow", Polu Texni (May/June 2016, USA)
"Pi Day", Astronomers Without Borders (March 2016, USA)
"In a Parallel Universe", Spaceports & Spidersilk (April 2016, USA)
"An Inopportune Turn", Spaceports & Spidersilk (October 2016, USA)
"Red Apples", Star*Line 39.2 (April 2016, USA)
"Grandmother's Old House", Grievous Angel (2016, USA)
"Year-round Haze", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Chernobyl", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Racing Out", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Spring Dawn", Focus #66 (December 2016, UK)
"Last Space Shuttle", Focus #66 (December 2016, UK)
"Crescent Moon", Focus #66 (December 2016, UK)
"Garage Sale", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"After Their Walk", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Solar Eclipse", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Azure Sun", Scifaikuest Print (February 2017, USA)
"February Heat", Scifaikuest Print (February 2017, USA)
"Full Moon", Scifaikuest Online (February 2017, USA)
"Dew Drops", Scifaikuest Print (February 2017, USA)
"Moonlight in the Playground", Spectral Realms #6 (January 2017, USA)
"Ruby Sky", Scifaikuest Print (February 2017, USA)
"Alien Flyby", Grievous Angel (2016, UK)
"Root Cellar", Grievous Angel (2016, UK)
"Sheets Flapping", Grievous Angel (2016, UK)
"The Heart of the Sun", The Martian Wave 2016 (2016, USA)
"Beneath the Crimson Sky", The Martian Wave 2016 (2016, USA)
"When the Earth was Young", Spectral Realms #6 (2016, USA)
"The Door", Spectral Realms #6 (2016, USA)
"A World", Star*Line 39.4 (October 2016, USA), Prune Juice (March 2017, USA)
"Old Photo", Star*Line 39.4 (October 2016, USA)
"Regrowing", Star*Line 39.4 (October 2016, USA)
"Juno by Starlight", Scifaikuest Online (May 2017, USA)
"Black Holes", Scifaikuest Online (May 2017, USA)
"One Way Ticket", Scifaikuest Print (May 2017, USA)
"Gnawed Arm", Scifaikuest Print (May 2017, USA)
"D-Day", Polu Texni (15 August 2016, USA)
"Martian", Polu Texni (6 September 2016, USA)
"The Leviathans of Europa", Polu Texni (2016, USA)
"Three Suns", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Catsitting on Halloween", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Ava", New Myths (September 2016, USA)
"The Sand Dunes", Scifaikuest Print (May 2017, USA)
"Blue Sun", Star*Line 39.4 (October 2016, USA)
"The Toys", Frostfire Worlds (2016, USA)
"Marriage", Star*Line 39.4 (October 2016, USA)
"Blue Grass", Scifaikuest Online (May 2017, USA)
"Mega Tsunami", Scifaikuest Online (May 2017, USA)
"Keeping You", Scifaikuest Print (August 2017, USA)
"Invading Jupiter", Outposts of Beyond (July 2017, USA)
"Annalise", Outposts of Beyond (July 2017, USA)
"Three Suns", Grievous Angel (6 March 2017, UK)
"Twin Headlights", Grievous Angel (6 March 2017, UK)
"Pandemonium", Star*Line 39.4 (October 2016, USA)
"Wrong Turn", Scifaikuest Print (August 2017, USA)
"Her Stunning Silhouette", Scifaikuest Print (August 2017, USA)
"Which You", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Black Moon", Star*Line (2016, USA)
"Time Again for Life", Lontar 8 (2017, Singapore)
"Desert Interlude", Lontar 8 (2017, Singapore)
"Halloween Night", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Red Sun", Scifaikuest Online (August 2017, USA)
"Seconds Before", Grievous Angel (17 April 2017, UK)
"Yellow Bricks", Grievous Angel (17 April 2017, UK)
"All That Talk", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Sky Full of Stars", Scifaikuest Online (August 2017, USA)
"Final Cut", Scifaikuest Print (November 2017, USA)
"Dust Carpet", Scifaikuest Print (November 2017, USA)
"Full Moon in Yellowstone", New Myths (December 2016, USA)
"First Date", Dreams and Nightmares 106 (May 2017, USA)
"The War of Dragons", Spectral Realms (2017, USA)
"Bloody Spindle", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Schrodinger's Cat", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Blue Moon", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Pet Wolf", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Found in Sarpedon", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Hoping" Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Little Red", Polu Texni (2017, USA)
"Turning My Skin", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"The Simplest", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"The Wine", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"The Last of Us", Space and Time (2018, USA)
"Tornado Warning", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Between", Scifaikuest Print (February 2018, USA)
"Rumble", Scifaikuest Print (February 2018, USA)
"Sprinkled Beneath", Grievous Angel (6 March 2017, UK)
"Aenid's Dream", Spectral Realms #7 (2017, USA)
"Pull", Spectral Realms #7 (2017, USA)
"Planet Nine", Focus (2017, UK)
"Spring Equinox", Astronomers Without Borders (20 March 2017, USA)
"Full Moon (2)", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Thin Winter Air", Scifaikuest Print (February 2018, USA)
"Titan Landing", Scifaikuest Online (February 2018, USA)
"Pet Cemetery", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Spellbook Spent", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Mars Beckons", Grievous Angel (2017, UK)
"Arrival Day", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Day Moon", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Exhaling Deeply", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"One Flap", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Midnight", Star*Line (2017, USA)
"Garlic and Crosses", Scifaikuest Print (August 2018, USA)
"Strange Contagions", Scifaikuest Print (August 2018, USA)
"Clinically Dead", Scifaikuest Print (August 2018, USA)
"Pan", Scifaikuest Online (August 2018, USA)
"The Girl and Her Wolf Dog", Spectral Realms #8 (2018, USA)
"Born of Blood and Tears", Mythic Delirium (2018, USA)
"Little Red in Haiku", Star*Line 40.4 (October 2017, USA)
"Clearing", Scifaikuest Print (November 2018, USA)
"All that Remains", Scifaikuest Print (November 2018, USA)
"Trying to be Nice", Scifaikuest Print (November 2018, USA)
"Exhaling Fire", Scifaikuest Online (November 2018, USA)
"All the Craters", Scifaikuest Online (November 2018, USA)
"Insomnia", Scifaikuest Online (November 2018, USA)
"Gritting my Teeth", Scifaikuest Print (November 2018, USA)
"All my Nightmares", Scifaikuest Online (November 2018, USA)
"Craving to see Blue Skies", Scifaikuest Online (November 2018, USA)
"Missing", Scifaikuest Print (November 2018, USA)
"Seeing Red", Scifaikuest Online (November 2018, USA)
"The Forest of Discarded Baby Girls", New Myths (December 2017, USA)
"Journey into Neptune", Star*Line 40.4 (October 2017, USA)
"When We Fall", Spectral Realms #8 (2017, USA)
"Memoirs in the Dark", Spectral Realms #8 (2017, USA)
"Cornflower Valley", Spectral Realms #9 (2017, USA)
"Demons", Disturbed Digest (June 2018, USA)
"Reflections", Bloodbond (2018, USA)
"The New Kitten", Spaceports & Spidersilk (January 2018, USA)
"Sunshine", Spaceports & Spidersilk (April 2018, USA)
"Rapunzel", Dreams and Nightmares 109 (May 2018, USA)
"Ouroboros", Outposts of Beyond (April 2018, USA)
"Distinct Clang", Star*Line 41.1 (Winter 2018, USA)
"Flickering Flame", Star*Line 41.1 (Winter 2018, USA)
"A Paper Plane", Scifaikuest Print (February 2019, USA)
"Poor Butterfly", Scifaikuest Print (February 2019, USA)
"Another Long Road", Scifaikuest Online (February 2019, USA)
"Amid the Debris", Illumen (Summer 2018, USA)
"Deja vu", Illumen (Summer 2018, USA)
"Soft Whispers", Scifaikuest Online (May 2019, USA)
"No One", Scifaikuest Online (May 2019, USA)
"Morning Star", Scifaikuest Print (May 2019, USA)
"Alone on the ISS", Scifaikuest Print (May 2019, USA)
"Curled Up Tentacles", Scifaikuest Online (May 2019, USA)
"Within Sight", Scifaikuest Online (May 2019, USA)
"The Many Ways", Scifaikuest Print (May 2019, USA)
"First Day of Summer", Scifaikuest Print (May 2019, USA)
"Mars Colony", Star*Line (2018, USA)
"The Girl Made of Electricity", I Don't Want To Play This Game Anymore (April 2018, USA)
"The Warrior Mephala", Star*Line (2018, USA)
"Grandmother Red", New Myths (2018, USA)
"In Perfect Health", Scifaikuest Print (August 2019, USA)
"Gentlest Quiver", Scifaikuest Print (August 2019, USA)
"Meteor Shower", Scifaikuest Online (August 2019, USA)
"A Capacity for Violence", The Ladies of Horror Picture-Prompt Writing Challenge! (23 April 2018, USA)
"Last One Through", Grievous Angel (2018, UK)
"Silent Orbit of Stars", Scifaikuest Print (August 2019, USA)
"Just Wanting", Scifaikuest Online (August 2019, USA)
"Seeing Stars", Scifaikuest Online (August 2019, USA)
"All the Monsters in the World", The Ladies of Horror Picture-Prompt Writing Challenge! (23 May 2018, USA)
"Legacies", Star*Line 41.3 (Summer 2018, USA)
"The Vampire's Mother", Spectral Realms #9 (2018, USA)
"The Mermaid", Spectral Realms #9 (2018, USA)
"The Joy of Sewing", Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase Volume V (September 2018, USA)
"Forest Mother", The Ladies of Horror Picture-Prompt Writing Challenge! (June 2018, USA)
"Mission to Mercury", Abyss & Apex Issue 68 (October 2018, USA)
"The Sentient Stars", Polu Texni (2018, USA)
"My Eyes", Scifaikuest Online (August 2019, USA)
"Mesmerized", Scifaikuest Online (November 2019, USA)
"Alien Sapling", Scifaikuest Online (August 2019, USA)
"Still Can't Decide", Scifaikuest Online (November 2019, USA)
"Time Loop", Scifaikuest Online (November 2019, USA)
"The Song I Can't", Scifaikuest Online (November 2019, USA)
"Vampiric Fog", Scifaikuest Print (November 2019, USA)
"Wishing", Scifaikuest Online (November 2019, USA)
"In a Flash", Scifaikuest Online (November 2019, USA)
"Life on Uranus", Star*Line (2018, USA)
"Too Quickly", Scifaikuest Print (November 2019, USA)
"Life on Kepler-452b", Scifaikuest Print (November 2019, USA)
"Emerging", Colorado Boulevard (August 2018, USA)
"Still Biting Me", Colorado Boulevard (August 2018, USA)
"No Monsters", Scifaikuest Print (November 2019, USA)
"Slow Boat to the Stars", Scifaikuest Print (February 2020, USA)
"Living an Eternity", Scifaikuest Online (February 2020, USA)
"All Hallows Eve", Scifaikuest Online (November 2019, USA)
"The Island", Spectral Realms #10 (2019, USA)
"Light at the End of the Tunnel", Spectral Realms #10 (2019, USA)
"The Feeling", Star*Line 42.1 (January 2019, USA)
"Pets", Star*Line 42.1 (January 2019, USA)
"Sunset on Kepler 22b", The Future Fire (2019, USA)
"Pack of Werewolves", Scifaikuest Online (February 2020, USA)
"The Second", Scifaikuest Print (February 2020, USA)
"Seeing you Both", Scifaikuest Print (February 2020, USA)
"Obsession", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (November 2018, USA)
"Dark Dragons", Silver Blade Issue 40 (November 2018, USA)
"Girl on Fire", Alluvium (December 2018, China)
"Fissures in the Skin", Scifaikuest Online (February 2020, USA)
"Tidal Waves", Scifaikuest Print (February 2020, USA)
"Snowy Plains", Scifaikuest Online (February 2020, USA)
"Whispered Words", Scifaikuest Online (February 2020, USA)
"Every Lover", Scifaikuest Print (February 2020, USA)
"Even as Queen", Star*Line 42.1 (January 2019, USA)
"Burying the Alien", Star*Line 42.1 (2019, USA)
"Immortality", Star*Line 42.1 (January 2019, USA)
"Lost Twin", Star*Line 42.1 (January 2019, USA)
"After Hypnotherapy", Star*Line 42.1 (January 2019, USA)
"The Monsters Within", Spectral Realms #11 (2019, USA)
"Reparation", Spectral Realms #11 (2019, USA)
"Styx", Spectral Realms #11 (2019, USA)
"Winter's Gift", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (February 2019, USA)
"Museum of Lost Souls", Star*Line 42.2 (Spring 2019, USA)
"Always Rose-Tinted", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"When We All", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"Everything", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"The Stories I'm Sure", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"How Long", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"Unrelentlessly", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"Mars Life", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"Racing to the Moon", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"The Graying Skies", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"A Hundred", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"During the Long Years", Random Planets (2019, USA)
"Found Footage", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (April 2019, USA)
"Keepsakes I Treasure", Scifaikuest Print (May 2020, USA)
"Our Ships", Scifaikuest Online (May 2020, USA)
"A New Earth", Scifaikuest Online (May 2020, USA)
"Layer after Layer", Scifaikuest Print (May 2020, USA)
"The Sacrifice", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (June 2019, USA)
"The Infection", Eye to the Telescope #33 (2019, USA)
"Poisoned Apples", Star*Line 42.3 (2019, USA)
"A Butterfly Darts", Star*Line 42.3 (2019, USA)
"Rapunzel Gets", Star*Line 42.3 (2019, USA)
"The Girl in the Painting", Space and Time (2019, USA)
"Home", Sanitarium Issue 3 (October 2020, USA)
"Upgrade", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (July 2019, USA)
"Storm Child", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (August 2019, USA)
"The God of the Winds", Spectral Realms #12 (2019, USA)
"Always a Beast", Polu Texni (December 2019, USA)
"The Strange Sensation", Scifaikuest Print (November 2020, USA)
"Instantly Regretting", Scifaikuest Print (November 2020, USA)
"Bringing", Scifaikuest Online (November 2020, USA)
"Longing", Scifaikuest Online (November 2020, USA)
"I Run Reels of my Children", Scifaikuest Print (August 2020, USA)
"One Dark Night", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (September 2019, USA)
"The Dragon Graveyard", Bleached Butterfly (September 2019, USA)
"The Gift", Bleached Butterfly (September 2019, USA)
"The Reason", Bleached Butterfly (September 2019, USA)
"All that We Love", Star*Line 42.4 (December 2019, USA)
"Persephone", New Myths (December 2019, USA)
"The Wasteland", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (October 2019, USA)
"Into the Tall Grass", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (November 2019, USA)
"One Christmas Eve", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (December 2019, USA)
"All That I Have Lost", Spectral Realms #13 (2020, USA)
"Thrown Away in Recycling", Scifaikuest (November 2020, USA)
"A Lifelong Aversion", Scifaikuest (November 2020, USA)
"After the Wedding", Scifaikuest (November 2020, USA)
"Night of the Storm", Star*Line 43.1 (2020, USA)
"Tree Mother", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (March 2020, USA)
"Diamond Dust", Abyss & Apex (2020, USA)
"Metal Rain", Penumbric (2020, USA)
"Venus", Penumbric (2020, USA)
"The Conjurers", Penumbric (2020, USA)
"The Price of Peace", Penumbric (2020, USA)
"A Paradigm of Magic", Penumbric (2020, USA)
"Fondness for Cats", Scifaikuest (February 2021, USA)
"Mesmerized", Scifaikuest (February 2021, USA)
"The Strange Reality", Scifaikuest (February 2021, USA)
"How Easy It Was", Scifaikuest (February 2021, USA)
"Three Moons Orbiting Earth", Scifaikuest (February 2021, USA)
"Inate", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"The Offering", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"Scars", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"Anniversary Dinner", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"Dying", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"Snow Hare", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"The Need to Bite and Gnaw", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"From the Helicopter", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"The Strangest Things", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"Ocean Waves", Scifaikuest* (May 2021, USA)
"Little Four", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (April 2020, USA)
"Mother of All Things", Spectral Realms #14 (2020, USA)
"The Joy of Travelling", Star*Line 43.3 (2020, USA)
"Witching Hour at the Park", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (May 2020, USA)
"Haunted", Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase (2020, USA)
"Lost Little Girl", Tales of the Lost: Volume II (2020, USA)
"The Infinite Lives of the Little Match Girl", CHIRAL MAD 5 (2022, USA)
"Demon Night", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (June 2020, USA)
"Android Apocalypse", Star*Line 43.3 (2020, USA)
"Haunted", Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase (2020, USA)
"Incantation", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (July 2020, USA)
"Safe", Spectral Realms #14 (2020, USA)
"Fairies from the Twilight Forest", Spectral Realms #14 (2020, USA)
"The End", Penumbric (2020, USA)
"The Eternal Fire", Penumbric (2020, USA)
"One Dark Night", Penumbric (2020, USA)
"History of Our World", Penumbric (2020, USA)
"Turned", Scifaikuest* (August 2021, USA)
"Mom", Scifaikuest* (August 2021, USA)
"Titan Life", Scifaikuest* (August 2021, USA)
"All this Rain", Star*Line (2021, USA)
"Love", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (September 2020, USA)
"Life on Venus", Scifaikuest Print* (August 2021, USA)
"Eaten Alive", Scifaikuest Online* (August 2021, USA)
"After Escaping a Devatstated Earth", Scifaikuest Print (November 2021, USA)
"First Glimpse of Hell", Scifaikuest Online (November 2021, USA)
"Revelations", Scifaikuest Print* (August 2021, USA)
"Magic Show", Midnight Under the Big Top (October 2020, USA)
"The Clown", Midnight Under the Big Top (October 2020, USA)
"Lucifer at the Carnival", Midnight Under the Big Top (October 2020, USA)
"Cages", Midnight Under the Big Top (October 2020, USA)
"Mountain", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (October 2020, USA)
"The End", Penumbric (December 2020, USA)
"Dark Forest", New Myths (December 2020, USA)
"Jones", Penumbric (2021, USA)
"Annihilation", Penumbric (2021, USA)
"Vlad's Cat", Penumbric (2021, USA)
"Wolf Girl", Penumbric (April 2022, USA)
"Cat's Life", Penumbric (August 2023, USA)
"Every Dream", Scifaikuest (February 2022, USA)
"The Newfangled", Scifaikuest (February 2022, USA)
"Digging Up", Scifaikuest (February 2022, USA)
"Time Slows", Scifaikuest (February 2022, USA)
"The Long Days of Winter", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (January 2021, USA)
"Snow Child", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (March 2021, USA)
"The Fragility of Birds", WERE TALES: A SHAPESHIFTER ANTHOLOGY (2021, USA)
"Transformations", Ladies of Horror Flash (June 2021, USA)
"Elizabeth", The Sirens Call 54 (July 2021, USA)
"The Carnival", Ladies of Horror Flash (July 2021, USA)
"Three Candles", Ladies of Horror Flash (August 2021, USA)
"Other Fears", Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology (2021, USA)
"Unbreakable", Southwest Review (2021, USA)
"All this Rain", Star*Line 44.1 (Winter 2021, USA)
"The Dream Fields of Hell", Star*Line 44.4 (Fall 2021, USA)
"Heart of Darkness", Star*Line 44.4 (Fall 2021, USA)
"All Are Welcome", Editor's Choice, Star*Line 44.4 (Fall 2021, USA)
"Night of the Aurora", Ladies of Horror Flash (September 2021, USA)
"Whales", Eye to the Telescope Issue 42 (October 2021)
"Anchors", Ladies of Horror Flash (October 2021, USA)
"Welcome to Hell", ATTACK OF THE '80S (November 2021, USA)
"La Sayona", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"El Culebron", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"The Massacooramaan", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"La Ciguapa", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"Yacumama", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"The Infinite Lives of the Little Match Girl", CHIRAL MAD 5 (2022, USA)
"Medusa", Spectral Realms #16 (2022, USA)
"The Mimics", Spectral Realms #16 (2022, USA)
"How Long Do Monsters Live", Star*Line 45.1 (Winter 2022, USA)
"The Land of Fire and Ice", Star*Line 45.1 (Winter 2022, USA)
"Diamond Planet", Star*Line 45.1 (Winter 2022, USA)
"A Life of Many Splendors", New Myths #59 (June 2022, USA)
"One Dark Night", Penumbric (March 2022, USA)
"The Art of Healing", Of Horror and Hope (July 2022, USA)
"Other Fears", Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology (July 2022, USA)
"Do Not Be Afraid Of The Monster Under The Bed", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"On Set", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (September 2022, USA)
"Mother Moon", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"Stumps", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"The Art of Violence", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"The Eternal Sleep of Stone", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"The Monster With a Smile", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"The World in a Dream", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"Vlad's Cat", Penumbric (August 2022, USA)
"Annihilation", Penumbric (October 2022, USA)
"Pontianak", The Washington Post (October 2022, USA)
"Shields", MOTHER (November 2022, USA)
"Quiet Life", Daughters of Sarpedon (December 2022, USA)
"Face Off", Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase Vol IX (December 2022, USA)
"Graveyard Shift", Penumbric (December 2022, USA)
"The Only Thing a Cat Can Do", The Weird Cat (October 2023, USA)
"Playground of the Gods", QUALIA NOUS, VOL. 2 (2024, USA)
"Tradition", Lien (11/01, Singapore)
"Cutting Edge", Lien (11/01, Singapore)
"Wet Market", Lien (11/01, Singapore), Poetry Life & Times (12/01, USA)
"Goose Egg", Cricket (March 2017, USA)
"School Recital", Cricket (May 2018, USA)
"Scream in the Garden", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"Love", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"Ten Years", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"Puffy Clouds", Cricket (May/June 2017, USA)
"Like Birds in the Shimmering Clouds", Alluvium (December 2018, China)
"A Deep Breath", Colorado Boulevard: Silver Lining (December 2018, USA)
"My Happiest Childhood Memory", Colorado Boulevard: Childhood Memories (September 2019, USA)
"All the Secrets", Colorado Boulevard: Childhood Memories (September 2019, USA)
"Always Home by 5", Colorado Boulevard: Childhood Memories (September 2019, USA)
"Only When I Was Sick", Colorado Boulevard: Childhood Memories (September 2019, USA)
"Bedtime Stories", Colorado Boulevard: Childhood Memories (September 2019, USA)
"Shadows", Colorado Boulevard: Childhood Memories (September 2019, USA)
"Escape", Noon #13 (2020, Japan)
"Together", St. Charles Arts Council's Poetry in a Time of Pandemic (2020, St. Charles, Illinois, USA)
"Mothers and Daughters", Sing Lit Insta Takeover (June 2020, Singapore), Write Like a Girl (February 2021, USA)
"Anaesthesia", The Poetry Marathon Anthology (2020, USA)
"Together", Like Sunshine After Rain (June 2021, USA)
"A Wish for You", Like Sunshine After Rain (June 2021, USA)
"The Company of a Cat", Like Sunshine After Rain (June 2021, USA)
"Our Brief Time in the Sun", Age of Uncertainty (Australia, 2021), Like Sunshine After Rain (June 2021, USA)
"After", Crow's Feet (March 2021, USA)
"Existence", Maths@Singapore (January 2022, Singapore)
"Love Poem to my Child on Valentine's Day", Maths@Singapore (February 2022, Singapore)
"through a reed", Akitsu Quarterly (December 2015, USA)
"dinnertime", Akitsu Quarterly (December 2015, USA)
"cloudy night", A Hundred Gourds 5.2 (March 2016, USA), Astronomers Without Borders (20 May 2016, USA)
"summer's end", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2016, USA), Astronomers Without Borders (20 May 2016, USA)
"shrapnel", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2016, USA)
"monsoon season", cattails (January 2016, USA)
"Christmas Eve II", Haikuniverse (2 January 2016, USA)
"spring morning", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2016, USA)
"dusk fall", cattails (May 2016, USA)
"half moon", cattails (May 2016, USA)
"thunder", cattails (May 2016, USA)
"tonnerre", cattails (May 2016, USA)
"雷", cattails (May 2016, USA)
"first bud of spring", Haikuniverse (March 2016, USA)
"spring equinox", hedgerow #70 (March 2016, UK)
"moss blanket", hedgerow #70 (March 2016, UK)
"tropical summer", bear creek haiku #133 (April 2016, USA), The Weekly Avocet #184 (June 2016, USA)
"Indian summer", bear creek haiku #133 (April 2016, USA)
"snow breath", bear creek haiku #133 (April 2016, USA)
"fading sun", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2016, USA)
"dark skies", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2016, USA)
"snowflakes", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2016, USA)
"quiet night", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"cherry blossom", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"homesick", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"snapshot", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"once best friends", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"as many friends", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"croaking frog", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"pine table", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"honey bees", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"button box", The Bamboo Hut (May 2016, USA)
"empty nest", wild voices: an anthology of small poems & art by women (2017, UK)
"winter storm", wild voices: an anthology of small poems & art by women (2017, UK)
"moth orchids", wild voices: an anthology of small poems & art by women (2017, UK)
"slash of cold", The Book of The Fifth Haiku Contest Sharpening The Green Pencil (April 2016, Romania), Astronomers Without Borders (20 May 2016, USA)
"Early haze", Asahi Haikuist Network (April 2016, Japan)
"rock pools", hedgerow #75 (2016, UK), The Weekly Avocet #184 (June 2016, USA)
"gray sea", hedgerow #75 (2016, UK)
"silvery moon", hedgerow #75 (2016, UK)
"even at", The Cicada's Cry (Spring 2016, USA)
"hazy moon", Failed Haiku (1 May 2016, USA)
"night crickets", Failed Haiku (1 May 2016, USA)
"more painful", Failed Haiku (1 May 2016, USA)
"winter dreams", Failed Haiku (1 May 2016, USA)
"winter morning", Shamrock 34 (June 2016, Ireland)
"learning", Shamrock 34 (June 2016, Ireland)
"telling her I love her", Prune Juice (July 2016, USA)
"snowed in", Prune Juice (July 2016, USA)
"war memories", EarthRise Rolling Haiku Collaborative 2016: Foodcrop Haiku (April 2016, World)
"ice panes shatter", Frameless Sky (May 2016, World)
"still crushed", Ribbons (Spring/Summer 2016, USA)
"Record heat", Asahi Haikuist Network (29 April 2016, Japan)
"hanami", hedgerow #77 (May 2016, USA)
"red ixoras", hedgerow #77 (May 2016, USA)
"morning dew", Akisame 38.1 (16 May 2016, Italy)
"autumn breeze", hedgerow #80 (June 2016, UK)
"weathered crow", hedgerow #80 (June 2016, UK)
"redwoods", European Haiku Society (May 2016, Italy)
"daymare", Failed Haiku (June 2016, USA)
"starry night", Failed Haiku (June 2016, USA)
"trying to understand", Failed Haiku (June 2016, USA)
"stillness", haikuniverse (22 May 2016, USA)
"old tea cups", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2016, USA)
"morning glory", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2016, USA)
"the guardian of Fukushima's animals", Akitsu Quarterly (Winter 2016, USA)
"storm clouds", Akisame 40:1 (30 May 2016, Italy)
"After reading", Asahi Haikuist Network (17 June 2016, Japan)
"SARS quarantine", Asahi Haikuist Network (17 June 2016, Japan)
"walking home", Bottle Rockets #35 (August 2016, USA)
"Buddha belly", Bottle Rockets #35 (August 2016, USA)
"winter morn", Wild Plum 2:2 (Fall/Winter 2016, Poland)
"pale lilacs", Wild Plum 2:2 (Fall/Winter 2016, Poland)
"city buzz", hedgerow #83 (June 2016, UK)
"flash storm", hedgerow #83 (June 2016, UK)
"forest cottage", otata (June 2016, USA)
"interconnected", otata (June 2016, USA)
"mother's diamond ring", Mayfly #61 (Summer 2016, USA)
"wild roses", European Quarterly Kukai #14 (June 2016, World)
"snow flurries", Akisame 42:1 (20 June 2016, Italy)
"at the cemetery", Prune Juice (July 2016, USA)
"night bombings", Prune Juice (July 2016, USA)
"war stories", Prune Juice (July 2016, USA)
"after the war", Prune Juice (July 2016, USA)
"sand dunes", hedgerow #85 (July 2016, UK)
"wind chimes", hedgerow #85 (July 2016, UK)
"under the stars", The Weekly Avocet #184 (June 2016, USA)
"moss terrarium", The Weekly Avocet #184 (June 2016, USA)
"moss garden", The Weekly Avocet #184 (June 2016, USA)
"paddling ducks", The Weekly Avocet #184 (June 2016, USA)
"starlight", Failed Haiku (July 2016, USA)
"tequila sunset", Gnarled Oak #9 (July 2016, USA)
"winter chill", cattails (September 2016, USA)
"waving cattails", The Heron's Nest (September 2016, USA)
"distant thunder", paper wasp (Winter 2016, Australia)
"winter memorial", paper wasp (Winter 2016, Australia)
"melting snowman", paper wasp (Winter 2016, Australia)
"night forest", cattails (September 2016, USA)
"winter moon", cattails (September 2016, USA)
"forgotten summer", The Asahi Haikuist (16 September 2016, Japan)
"barefoot", The Asahi Haikuist (July 2016, Japan)
"desert rain", hedgerow #86 (2016, UK)
"summer rain", hedgerow #86 (2016, UK)
"white lilies", hedgerow #86 (2016, UK)
"after petting the cat", The Cicada's Cry 2016 Special Edition: Cats (2016, USA)
"winter barn", European Haiku Society (13 July 2016, Italy)
"winter dawn", Acorn (Fall 2016, USA)
"rain drops", bear creek haiku (July 2016, USA)
"muggy Monday", bear creek haiku (July 2016, USA)
"rainy season", bear creek haiku (July 2016, USA)
"decorating", bear creek haiku (July 2016, USA)
"cold drizzle", bear creek haiku (July 2016, USA)
"my hopes deflated", brass bell ~ kitchen haiku issue (September 2016, USA)
"mossy puddles", 8th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest Selected Haiku Submissions Collection (July 2016, Japan)
"summer by the sea", 8th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest Selected Haiku Submissions Collection (July 2016, Japan)
"summer comfort", Haiku Commentary (24 July 2016, USA)
"belled cat", Akisame 47:1 (24 July 2016, Italy)
"snowed in", American Tanka (August 2016, USA)
"summer break", bear creek haiku (July 2016, USA)
"funeral morning", bear creek haiku (July 2016, USA)
"hollow reed", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"why we hurt", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"wild flowers", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"harvest season", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"rolling hills", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"dark clouds", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"when everything", The Bamboo Hut (September 2016, USA)
"my kitten", Akitsu Quarterly (Fall 2016, USA)
"rain patter", Akitsu Quarterly (Fall 2016, USA)
"melting snow", Kokako 25 (2016, New Zealand)
"winter evening", Kokako 25 (2016, New Zealand)
"first day of summer", bear creek haiku #136 (9 August 2016, USA)
"curled up with books", bear creek haiku #136 (9 August 2016, USA)
"morning sun", Failed Haiku (September 2016, USA)
"the cricket song", Failed Haiku (September 2016, USA)
"dandelion summer", The Cicada's Cry (Summer 2016, USA)
"fading light", cattails (September 2016, USA)
"summer time", cattails (September 2016, USA)
"old river", Akisame 50:1 (15 August 2016, Italy)
"dandelions", Akisame 51:2 (22 August 2016, Italy)
"wintry moon", Makoto #3 (2 September 2016, Italy)
"moonlight", Ribbons (Fall 2016, USA)
"the solstice", The Asahi Haikuist (16 September 2016, Japan)
"autumn equinox", Astronomers Without Borders (22 September 2016, USA)
"stardust to stardust", hedgerow #89 (September 2016, UK)
"by the creek", Failed Haiku (October 2016, USA)
"chain lightning", Failed Haiku (October 2016, USA)
"disassociation", Failed Haiku (October 2016, USA)
"this delicate dance", brass bell (October 2016, USA)
"our world", Haiku for Change: 100 Thousand Poets for Change!, (September 2016, World)
"new tremors", Haiku for Change: 100 Thousand Poets for Change! (September 2016, World)
"field of dandelions", Haiku for Change: 100 Thousand Poets for Change!, (September 2016, World)
"water ripples", bear creek haiku (16 September 2016, USA)
"barefoot", The Asahi Haikuist (30 September 2016, Japan)
"too upset", hedgerow #91 (October 2016, UK)
"blackout", hedgerow #91 (October 2016, UK)
"спокойствие", translation, Ershik #15 (October 2016, Russia)
"выводит меня", translation, Ershik #15 (October 2016, Russia)
"calmness", Ershik Special English Issue (January 2017, Russia)
"snapping me", Ershik Special English Issue (January 2017, Russia)
"a break", hedgerow #92 (October 2016, UK)
"love note", Gnarled Oak #10 (23 November 2016, USA)
"cold winter", hedgerow #94 (October 2016, UK)
"forest path", hedgerow #94 (October 2016, UK)
"snowberries", hedgerow #94 (October 2016, UK)
"day's end", otata 11 (November 2016, USA)
"home finally", otata 11 (November 2016, USA)
"dark clouds", otata 11 (November 2016, USA)
"scorched leaves", otata 11 (November 2016, USA)
"heavy thunderstorm", otata 11 (November 2016, USA)
"rainy season", otata 11 (November 2016, USA)
"on the bleakest day", otata 11 (November 2016, USA)
"grade five", Eucalypt 21 (November 2016, Australia)
"garden frog", 7×20 (October 2016, USA)
"dad's frail shoulders", brass bell (November 2016, USA)
"sunday best", brass bell (November 2016, USA)
"middle age", Failed Haiku (November 2016, USA)
"hummingbird", Failed Haiku (November 2016, USA)
"as if it is innate", Failed Haiku (November 2016, USA)
"far away clouds", Failed Haiku (November 2016, USA)
"it finally happened", Prune Juice (November 2016, USA)
"eggshells", Prune Juice (November 2016, USA)
"summer morning", Prune Juice (November 2016, USA)
"amber mansions, singapore", brass bell (December 2016, USA)
"call waiting", Failed Haiku 12 (December 2016, USA)
"the meows", Failed Haiku 12 (December 2016, USA)
"unexpected frost", Failed Haiku 12 (December 2016, USA)
"summer birth", hedgerow #100 (December 2016, UK)
"hours", hedgerow #100 (December 2016, UK)
"muddy puddles", hedgerow #100 (December 2016, UK)
"twigs across a puddle", hedgerow #100 (December 2016, UK)
"autumn moon", Haikuniverse (23 November 2016, USA)
"endless", otata 12 (30 November 2016, USA), Haikuniverse (15 February 2017, USA)
"just when", otata 12 (30 November 2016, USA)
"ragdoll", otata 12 (30 November 2016, USA)
"the things", otata 12 (30 November 2016, USA)
"shaded window", Creatrix #35 (December 2016, Australia)
"autumn breeze", Indian Kukai #18 (November 2016, India)
"the job", Haiku in the Workplace: Work (in General) (December 2016, USA)
"cog", Haiku in the Workplace: Work (in General) (December 2016, USA)
"slow meeting", Haiku in the Workplace: Work (in General) (December 2016, USA)
"first frost", The Cicada's Cry (Winter 2016, USA)
"clear skies", Earth: Our Common Ground (2017, USA)
"the boss", Haiku in the Workplace: The Boss (December 2016, USA)
"the old tavern", The Asahi Haikuist (20 January 2017, Japan)
"dementia", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2017, USA)
"dried leaf twirling", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2017, USA)
"dead end", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2017, USA)
"year-end party", Haiku in the Workplace: Office Flirt (December 2016, USA)
"11th birthday", Asahi Haikuist (16 December 2016, Japan)
"last chocolate", brass bell: happiness (January 2017, USA)
"first sight", brass bell: happiness (January 2017, USA)
"Crème de Menthe", Caribbean Kigo Kukai (December 2016, Caribbean)
"Judas steer", Wild Plum (Spring/Summer 2017, Poland)
"year-end bonus", Haiku in the Workplace: Promotions and Bonuses (December 2016, USA)
"morning sun", otata 13 (31 December 2016, USA)
"the owls quiet", otata 13 (31 December 2016, USA)
"fourth coffee", otata 13 (31 December 2016, USA)
"her voice", otata 13 (31 December 2016, USA)
"old pond", otata 13 (31 December 2016, USA)
"morning train", European Quarterly Kukai #16 – Winter 2016 Edition (topic: journey) (31 December 2016, Europe)
"reverie", Failed Haiku 13 (January 2017, USA)
"counting sheep", Failed Haiku 13 (January 2017, USA)
"first date", Failed Haiku 13 (January 2017, USA)
"I point out", Presence 57 (2017, UK)
"gathering dusk", Presence 57 (2017, UK)
"after hours", Haiku in the Workplace: Balancing Work with Life (January 2017, USA)
"up late", American Tanka #28 (1 August 2017, USA)
"blue moon", hedgerow #102 (January 2017, UK)
"deep woods", hedgerow #102 (January 2017, UK)
"long-awaited retirement", Haiku in the Workplace: Retirement (January 2017, USA)
"interrogation room", Mayfly 62 (2017, USA)
"supernova", Stardust Haiku Issue 1 (18 January 2017, USA)
"dreaming", Haiku in the Workplace: Commuting (January 2017, USA)
"blister domes", Haiku in the Workplace: Workplace Accidents (February 2017, USA)
"morning selfie", Failed Haiku 14 (February 2017, USA)
"supermoon", Failed Haiku 14 (February 2017, USA)
"weeping willlow", Failed Haiku 14 (February 2017, USA)
"in complete darkness", otata 14 (February 2017, USA)
"easterly", otata 14 (February 2017, USA)
"daffodils", otata 14 (February 2017, USA)
"watching over us", brass bell: 18 January (February 2017, USA)
"pink dress", The Asahi Haikuist (3 February 2017, Japan)
"best vacation", Haiku in the Workplace: Work Travel (February 2017, USA)
"witching hour", hedgerow #106 (February 2017, UK)
"singing along", Haiku in the Workplace: Answering Machine (February 2017, USA)
"Valentine's Day", Haikuniverse (14 February 2017, USA)
"trapped", Skylark 5:1 (Summer 2017, USA)
"never far", hedgerow #109 (March 2017, UK)
"observing", Haiku in the Workplace: Mentor (February 2017, USA)
"on the carousel", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2017, USA)
"windchill", hedgerow #109 (March 2017, UK)
"evening star", hedgerow #109 (March 2017, UK)
"the part of me", hedgerow #110 (March 2017, UK)
"in the end", cattails (April 2017, World)
"teaching her", Haiku in the Workplace: Interns and Trainees (March 2017, USA)
"snow moon", otata 15 (March 2017, USA)
"morning fog", otata 15 (March 2017, USA)
"vanishing", otata 15 (March 2017, USA)
"bevelling", otata 15 (March 2017, USA)
"malaise", otata 15 (March 2017, USA)
"icy breeze", otata 15 (March 2017, USA)
"constantly returning", otata 15 (March 2017, USA)
"distant stars", brass bell (1 March 2017, USA)
"crinkling leaves", brass bell (1 March 2017, USA)
"unwatched growth", Failed Haiku 15 (March 2017, USA)
"wine country", Failed Haiku 15 (March 2017, USA)
"ice skating", Failed Haiku 15 (March 2017, USA)
"one part of me", Failed Haiku 15 (March 2017, USA)
"the gravity", Sonic Boom 8 (April 2017, India), Best of Paper Lanterns Anthology (2018)
"painting", Asahi Haikuist (7 April 2017, Japan)
"craving", Asahi Haikuist (21 April 2017, Japan)
"green thumb", Asahi Haikuist (21 April 2017, Japan)
"patch of grey", Asahi Haikuist (21 April 2017, Japan)
"after gesticulating for a day", Haiku in the Workplace: Lost in Translation (March 2017, USA)
"office astrologer", Haiku in the Workplace: March Equinox (March 2017, USA)
"ballet recital", tinywords 17.1 (March 2017, USA), old song: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2017 (February 2018, USA)
"urban legend", Haiku in the Workplace: The Boss's Spouse (March 2017, USA)
"pasta machine", International Women's Haiku Festival on Inner Voices (19 March 2017, USA)
"crystal clear lake", International Women's Haiku Festival on Inner Voices (19 March 2017, USA)
"even perfection", Stardust Haiku Issue 3 (March 2017, USA)
"frozen pond", Chrysanthemum 21 (Spring 2017, Germany)
"winter nights", Chrysanthemum 21 (Spring 2017, Germany)
"the bluebird sings", Chanokeburi (25 March 2017, Italy)
"who I am", Haiku in the Workplace: The Vocation (March 2017, USA)
"the motorcycle", Chanokeburi (30 March 2017, Italy)
"told once again", Chanokeburi (30 March 2017, Italy)
"old owl", otata 16 (April 2017, USA)
"driftwood", otata 16 (April 2017, USA)
"moonless night", otata 16 (April 2017, USA)
"a little girl waving", otata 16 (April 2017, USA)
"half time", Failed Haiku 16 (April 2017, USA)
"tall grasses", Failed Haiku 16 (April 2017, USA)
"anaesthesia", Failed Haiku 16 (April 2017, USA)
"undignified sneeze", Failed Haiku 16 (April 2017, USA)
"I meant", Haiku in the Workplace: Auto-Correct (April 2017, USA)
"rose petals", brass bell: edible haiku (1 April 2017, USA)
"mulberries", brass bell: edible haiku (1 April 2017, USA)
"nightingale", European Quarterly Kukai #17: birds (1 April 2017, USA)
"ocean currents", Sharpening the Green Pencil: The Book of the 2017 Contest (1 April 2017, USA)
"grasping on", Chanokeburi (April 2017, Italy)
"clear as day", Chanokeburi (April 2017, Italy)
"лишь розы лепесток", translated from "just one rose petal", Ershik #16 (April 2017, Russia)
"breakfast team meeting", Haiku in the Workplace: Team Meeting (April 2017, USA)
"maternity leave", Haiku in the Workplace: Maternity/Paternity Leave (April 2017, USA)
"usual questions", Gnarled Oak 12 (April 2017, USA)
"winter years", EarthRise Rolling Collaborative Haiku 2017 (April 2017, World)
"morning chill", otata 17 (May 2017, USA)
"volcanic country", otata 17 (May 2017, USA)
"small closet", otata 17 (May 2017, USA)
"our new expat boss", Haiku in the Workplace: Expat (April 2017, USA)
"a day", Chanokeburi (May 2017, Italy)
"strawberries", Chanokeburi (May 2017, Italy)
"toddling", Chanokeburi (May 2017, Italy)
"winter fog", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2017, USA)
"moonlit river", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2017, USA)
"spring sun", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2017, USA)
"sleeping baby", Ama no gawa (1 May 2017, Italy)
"blushing bride", brass bell: Colorful Haiku (May 2017, USA)
"distant starlight", hedgerow #113 (May 2017, UK)
"onyx sky", hedgerow #113 (May 2017, UK)
"first day", Haiku in the Workplace: First Day at Work (June 2017, USA)
"stumbling", hedgerow #114 (June 2017, UK)
"spring daydream", brass bell: 23 May (June 2017, USA)
"flames reflected", Prune Juice (July 2017, USA)
"sateen sheets", Prune Juice (July 2017, USA)
"cloud trail", Prune Juice (July 2017, USA)
"autumn leaves", The Cicada's Cry (Autumn 2017, USA)
"slippery road", Wild Plum (Fall & Winter 2017, Poland)
"intermittent rain", Akitsu Quarterly (Fall 2017, USA)
"midsummer's night", Akitsu Quarterly (Fall 2017, USA)
"stillbirth", Akitsu Quarterly (Fall 2017, USA)
"multiverse theory", Sonic Boom 9 (6 August 2017, India)
"hovering", otata 18 (July 2017, USA)
"August rain", otata 18 (July 2017, USA)
"Summer garden", Asahi Haikuist (July 2017, Japan)
"Yet another", Asahi Haikuist (18 August 2017, Japan)
"clear as day", Cha No Keburi (July 2017, Italy)
"eyelashes", Selected Haiku Submissions Collection of the 9th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest (July 2017, Japan)
"a time", Selected Haiku Submissions Collection of the 9th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest (July 2017, Japan)
"the stories", Haikuniverse (21 July 2017, USA)
"born in a barn", Stardust Haiku (24 July 2017, Italy)
"the things", otata #20 (1 August 2017, USA)
"flowering thistles", otata #20 (1 August 2017, USA)
"stardust", Cha No Keburi (2017, Italy)
"dreaming", Cha No Keburi (2017, Italy)
"giving up everything", Cha No Keburi (2017, Italy)
"living", Cha No Keburi (September 2017, Italy)
"baby dreams", Cha No Keburi (2017, Italy)
"death notice", hedgerow #120 (Summer 2017, UK)
"perfect storm", Skylark 5:2 (Winter 2017, USA)
"broken", Prune Juice (November 2017, USA)
"driftwood", Prune Juice (November 2017, USA)
"day moon", Prune Juice (November 2017, USA)
"water hyacinth", Prune Juice (November 2017, USA)
"pulling myself", Akitsu Quarterly (Winter 2017, USA)
"forty below", otata 22 (October 2017, USA)
"night stars", otata 22 (October 2017, USA)
"swing swaying", otata 22 (October 2017, USA)
"cold streets", otata 22 (October 2017, USA)
"echoing halls", otata 22 (October 2017, USA)
"feeling like", brass bell (October 2017, USA)
"knitting", brass bell (October 2017, USA)
"our bodies", brass bell (October 2017, USA)
"at his funeral", Moonbathing (2017, USA)
"forgotten loves", brass bell: family (2 November 2017, USA)
"summer camp", brass bell: family (2 November 2017, USA)
"slack tide", Gnarled Oak Issue 14 (November 2017, USA)
"autumn leaves", The Cicada's Cry (Autumn 2017, USA)
"dark matter", otata #24 (December 2017, USA)
"grocery bags", brass bell (December 2017, USA)
"telling you", Haiku Masters (December 2017, Japan)
"bone tired", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2018, USA)
"dragonflies", otata #25 (January 2018, USA)
"stubborn macadamias", otata #25 (January 2018, USA)
"finally the kick", otata #25 (January 2018, USA)
"new stories", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2018, USA)
"frozen mountain", otata #26 (February 2018, USA)
"neither", otata #26 (February 2018, USA)
"pool of", otata #26 (February 2018, USA)
"worn path", otata #26 (February 2018, USA)
"dreaming", the cherita #10 (March 2018, USA)
"twin fawns", the cherita #11 (April 2018, USA)
"family", the cherita #12 (May 2018, USA)
"the impressions", Haiku Masters (February 2018, Japan)
"rediscovering", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2018, USA)
"the strength", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2018, USA)
"breakwater", otata #27 (March 2018, USA)
"soaring eagle", otata #27 (March 2018, USA)
"crescent moon", otata #27 (March 2018, USA)
"sunroof", Haiku Windows (February 2018, USA)
"searching high and low", Haiku Windows (March 2018, USA)
"waving to my daughter", Haiku Windows (March 2018, USA)
"a rare glimpse", Haiku Windows (March 2018, USA)
"giving spring", The Cicada's Cry (Spring 2018, USA)
"another day", Chrysanthemum 23 (Spring 2018, USA)
"with each deep breath", tinywords 18.1 (March 2018, USA)
"a caterpillar", Haiku Windows (28 March 2018, USA)
"by all accounts", otata #28 (April 2018, USA)
"silent spring", otata #28 (April 2018, USA)
"correcting", otata #28 (April 2018, USA)
"spring wind", Sharpening the Green Pencil: The Book of the 2018 Contest (1 April 2018, USA)
"all my dreams", Haiku Windows (April 2018, USA)
"old song", Frogpond (Spring/Summer 2018, USA)
"first sight", Haiku Windows (April 2018, USA)
"cat fur", Haikuniverse (April 2018, USA)
"spotting him", Haiku Windows (April 2018, USA)
"deep dive", 2018 Earthrise Rolling Collaborative Haiku (April 2018, USA)
"solitary journey", otata #29 (May 2018, USA)
"seeing the world", Haiku Windows (May 2018, USA)
"perched outside", Haiku Windows (May 2018, USA)
"window seat", Haiku Windows (May 2018, USA)
"teenage years", Prune Juice (2018, USA)
"comet trail", Prune Juice (2018, USA)
"withering rose", Prune Juice (2018, USA)
"misty dawn", Wales Haiku Journal (Spring 2018, Wales)
"protecting us only", Haiku Windows (24 May 2018, USA)
"lake house", Akitsu Quarterly (Fall 2018, USA)
"once again", Haiku Windows (30 May 2018, USA)
"deep space", Haiku Windows (7 June 2018, USA)
"eye surgery", otata #30 (June 2018, USA)
"bracing for", otata #30 (June 2018, USA)
"lost in a fugue", otata #30 (June 2018, USA)
"the falling leaves", Haiku Windows (20 June 2018, USA)
"mistaken again", Stardust Haiku (June 2018, USA)
"chalkboard sky", otata #31 (July 2018, USA)
"summer break", The Cicada's Cry (Summer 2018, USA)
"river rocks", A Sense of Place: Sight (July 2018, USA)
"meditation app", A Sense of Place: Sound (July 2018, USA)
"the truth", Femku (July 2018, USA)
"sickle moon", Femku (July 2018, USA)
"a map", A Sense of Place: Smell (July 2018, USA)
"steeping", Haiku Masters (August 2018, Japan)
"the taste of sand", A Sense of Place: Taste (August 2018, USA)
"king tide", Akitsu Quarterly (Winter 2018, USA)
"a long pause", Akitsu Quarterly (Winter 2018, USA)
"after an hour", Colorado Boulevard (August 2018, USA)
"solo trip", Colorado Boulevard (August 2018, USA)
"contemplating", A Sense of Place (August 2018, USA)
"carrying", A Sense of Place (August 2018, USA)
"watching", Stacking Stones (August 2018, USA)
"mountain breeze", A Sense of Place (August 2018, USA)
"moonless", otata (September 2018, USA)
"gracefully gliding", Colorado Boulevard (September 2018, USA)
"a bug eludes", Colorado Boulevard (September 2018, USA)
"mayfly", Colorado Boulevard (September 2018, USA)
"wild graces", Colorado Boulevard (September 2018, USA)
"learning", Colorado Boulevard (September 2018, USA)
"morning walk", A Sense of Place (September 2018, USA)
"her tears", A Sense of Place (September 2018, USA)
"garden sanctuary", Colorado Boulevard (September 2018, USA)
"tall grasses", A Sense of Place (September 2018, USA)
"changing seasons", Asahi Shimbun (September 2018, USA)
"how much of him", Wales Haiku Journal (October 2018, USA)
"we make do", otata (27 September 2018, USA)
"moonlit porch", otata (27 September 2018, USA)
"finding us", A Sense of Place (October 2018, USA)
"the taste of dew", A Sense of Place (October 2018, USA)
"my constant", Colorado Boulevard: Living by Water (October 2018, USA)
"asleep", Colorado Boulevard: Living by Water (October 2018, USA)
"a touch of dew", A Sense of Place (October 2018, USA)
"a brief dream", Haikuniverse (19 October 2018, USA)
"cloudtop hike", A Sense of Place (October 2018, USA)
"deep forest trail", A Sense of Place (November 2018, USA)
"trick or treating", The Cicada's Cry Special Digital Edition Halloween 2018 (October 2018, USA)
"how I weep", Colorado Boulevard: Seeing the World Differently (November 2018, USA)
"baby's first car ride", Asahi Shimbun (November 2018, USA)
"Stations of the Cross", otata 35 (November 2018, USA)
"autumn leaf", otata 35 (November 2018, USA)
"peeling away", Prune Juice (November 2018, USA)
"the dizzying spin", Prune Juice (November 2018, USA)
"another promise", Prune Juice (November 2018, USA)
"Wild Rose", Alluvium (December 2018, China)
"Girlhood", Alluvium (December 2018, China)
"Love Game", Alluvium (December 2018, China)
"Housewife", Alluvium (December 2018, China)
"the scent", A Sense of Place (November 2018, USA)
"the taste", A Sense of Place (November 2018, USA)
"the warmth", A Sense of Place (November 2018, USA)
"red light", A Sense of Place (November 2018, USA)
"hummingbird", otata 36 (December 2018, USA)
"sakura leaves", otata 36 (December 2018, USA)
"going downhill", otata 36 (December 2018, USA)
"half-moon", otata 36 (December 2018, USA)
"a fallen tree", otata 36 (December 2018, USA)
"not a dragon", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2019, USA)
"autumn wedding", NHK World Japan's Haiku Masters (December 2018, USA)
"a lick for you", A Sense of Place (December 2018, USA)
"a cat", A Sense of Place (December 2018, USA)
"the sound", A Sense of Place (December 2018, USA)
"childhood home", Colorado Boulevard: Dreamscapes (December 2018, USA)
"every morning", Colorado Boulevard: Dreamscapes (December 2018, USA)
"in my hands", Colorado Boulevard: Dreamscapes (December 2018, USA)
"in each cloud", Colorado Boulevard: Silver Lining (December 2018, USA)
"all that", Colorado Boulevard: Silver Lining (December 2018, USA)
"barefoot on the", A Sense of Place (December 2018, USA)
"never certain", The Cicada's Cry (Winter 2018, USA)
"all the dogs", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2019, USA)
"cold moon", Asahi Shimbun (January 2019, Japan)
"spring bloom", Haiku Dialogue (January 2019, USA)
"roof snow", Haiku Dialogue (January 2019, USA)
"dinnertime", Haiku Dialogue (January 2019, USA)
"snowy fox", Stardust Haiku (January 2019, USA)
"skipping stones", Haiku Dialogue (January 2019, USA)
"all the dreams", Wales Haiku Journal (Winter 2019, USA)
"the half-life", Wales Haiku Journal (Winter 2019, USA)
"mowed lawn", Creatrix 44 (March 2019, Australia)
"a giggle", Creatrix 44 (March 2019, Australia)
"weeds", Haikuniverse (2 April 2019, USA)
"happiness", Frogpond (2019, USA)
"sea breeze", Akitsu Quarterly (Fall 2019, USA)
"windstorm", Femku (May 2019, USA)
"rabbit hole", Femku (May 2019, USA)
"long-time love", Femku (May 2019, USA)
"watching me", Bleached Butterfly (May 2019, USA)
"earthbound", Bleached Butterfly (May 2019, USA)
"seeing his true face", Bleached Butterfly (May 2019, USA)
"unable", Bleached Butterfly (May 2019, USA)
"learning far", Bleached Butterfly (May 2019, USA)
"stretched", Human/Kind Issue 1.6 (June 2019, USA)
"I remind myself", Femku (June 2019, USA)
"thunder", Femku (June 2019, USA)
"when I love you", Femku (June 2019, USA)
"frost warning", Femku (June 2019, USA)
"the arrival", Wales Haiku Journal (Fall 2019, USA)
"my mood", Femku (July 2019, USA)
"cut off again", Femku (July 2019, USA)
"petrichor", Femku (July 2019, USA)
"red poppies", Akitsu Quarterly (Winter 2019, USA)
"longing to", Mayfly Issue 67 (December 2019, USA)
"a seagull lands", The Cicada's Cry Special Edition: Ocean (2019, USA)
"wild raspberries", Haiku Dialogue (17 July 2019, USA)
"overhanging branches", Haiku Dialogue (1 August 2019, USA)
"dreaming", Human/Kind Issue 1.8 (September 2019, USA)
"singing again", Human/Kind Issue 1.8 (September 2019, USA)
"lumbering tortoise", Femku (August 2019, USA)
"mountain mist", Femku (August 2019, USA)
"some things", Femku (August 2019, USA)
"full moon", cattails (October 2019, USA)
"art therapy", Haiku Dialogue (September 2019, USA)
"even in death", Haiku Dialogue (September 2019, USA)
"dreaming", Incense Dreams (2019, USA)
"starry night sky", Incense Dreams (2019, USA)
"is someone", Incense Dreams (2019, USA)
"wine o'clock", Haiku Dialogue (2 October 2019, USA)
"I take myself", Femku (September 2019, USA)
"hazardous haze", Femku (September 2019, USA)
"liar's moon", Femku (September 2019, USA)
"sakura leaves", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2020, USA)
"the only time", The Cicada's Cry (October 2019, USA)
"deadheaded roses", Haiku Dialogue (November 2019, USA)
"I learn", Haiku Dialogue (November 2019, USA)
"monarch butterfly", Haiku Dialogue (December 2019, USA)
"snowed in", Femku #19 (January 2020, USA)
"another stillbirth", Femku #19 (January 2020, USA)
"wintering", Femku #19 (January 2020, USA)
"beach holiday", Haiku Dialogue (December 2019, USA)
"the ability", Haiku Dialogue (December 2019, USA)
"realizing over time", Haiku Dialogue (December 2019, USA)
"morning glories", Haiku Dialogue (December 2019, USA)
"monarch butterfly", Haiku Dialogue (January 2020, USA)
"freedom just within reach", Haiku Dialogue (January 2020, USA)
"every world", Haiku Dialogue (January 2020, USA)
"oyster pearl", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2020, USA)
"all the things", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2020, USA)
"liar's moon", Femku #21 (February 2020, USA)
"how can he", Femku #21 (February 2020, USA)
"wildfires", Femku #21 (February 2020, USA)
"spring rain", The Cicada's Cry (Spring 2020, USA)
"gentle rain", Akitsu Quarterly (Autumn 2020, USA)
"half moon", Akitsu Quarterly (Autumn 2020, USA)
"lock down", Akitsu Quarterly (Autumn 2020, USA)
"bloodshot", Haiku Dialogue (May 2020, USA)
"lockdown", Femku #25 (June 2020, USA)
"dressing", Akitsu Quarterly (Winter 2020, USA)
"I drink my tea", Akitsu Quarterly (Winter 2020, USA)
"grandma checks", Akitsu Quarterly (Winter 2020, USA)
"malaise", The Cicada Cry's Special Edition: Haiku in the Time of Coronavirus (July 2020, USA)
"morning song", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2021, USA)
"metronome", Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2021, USA)
"movie night", brass bell (January 2021, USA)
"spider silk", brass bell (February 2021, USA)
"kaleidoscope", brass bell (March 2021, USA)
"dad and my daughter", brass bell (April 2021, USA)
"curled up safe", brass bell (April 2021, USA)
"childhood cereal", brass bell (May 2021, USA)
"love or hate", brass bell (May 2021, USA)
"pitch black", brass bell (June 2021, USA)
"grandma's", brass bell (June 2021, USA)
"dead lotus", Haiku Column Saijiki Winter ( June 2021, Japan)
"sitting in the shadows", brass bell (July 2021, USA)
"daydreaming", brass bell (July 2021, USA)
"daisies", "marguerites" (tr. French), Haiku Column (July 2021, Japan)
"sunflowers", "tournesols" (tr. French), Haiku Column (July 2021, Japan)
"raspberries", "framboises" (tr. French), Haiku Column (July 2021, Japan)
"light heat", "chaleur légère" (tr. French), Haiku Column (July 2021, Japan)
"rainbow", "arc-en-ciel" (tr. French), Haiku Column (July 2021, Japan)
"a leaf on a journey", "une feuille en voyage" (tr. French), Haiku Column (July 2021, Japan)
"dousing the grief in my heart", "éteindre la douleur dans mon coeur" (tr. French), Haiku Column (July 2021, Japan)
"behind the sunglasses", "derrière les lunettes de soleil" (tr. French), Haiku Column (July 2021, Japan)
"another summer passes", "un autre été passe" (tr. French), Haiku Column (August 2021, Japan)
"desolate summer", "été désolé" (tr. French), Haiku Column (August 2021, Japan)
"summer breeze", "brise d'été" (tr. French), Haiku Column (August 2021, Japan)
"passing by", "en passant" (tr. French), Haiku Column (August 2021, Japan)
"dad's last summer", "le dernier été de papa" (tr. French), Haiku Column (September 2021, Japan)
"chrysanthemums", "chrysanthèmes" (tr. French), Haiku Column (September 2021, Japan)
"a chat with cake", brass bell (August 2021, USA)
"hand in hand", brass bell (August 2021, USA)
"unable to forget", brass bell (September 2021, USA)
"after a long day", "après un long jour", LAVANDE et poésie (August 2021, France)
"a reminder", Haiku Dialogue (September 2021, USA)
"age 7", brass bell (October 2021, USA)
"I keep to", brass bell (October 2021, USA)
"what have I", brass bell (October 2021, USA)
"arm-in-arm", Haiku Dialogue (October 2021, USA)
"sunset", "le coucher du soleil" (tr. French), Haiku University's Weekly Best (30 August to 12 September 2021, Japan)
"old friends", Haiku Dialogue on Ad Astra (November 2021, USA)
"woven into tapestry", Haiku University's Weekly Best (4 to 10 October 2021, Japan)
"after death", Haiku Dialogue on Ad Astra (November 2021, USA)
"quiet street", "rue calme" (tr. French), Haiku University's Weekly Best (25 - 31 October 2021, Japan)
"whirlwind", "tourbillon" (tr. French), Haiku University's Weekly Best (1st to 7th November 2021, Japan)
"star clusters", Haiku Dialogue on Ad Astra (November 2021, USA)
"orbiting me", Haiku Dialogue on Ad Astra (November 2021, USA)
"Clouds in a Deep Blue Sky", haibun, Failed Haiku (December 2021, USA)
"late night", brass bell (December 2021, USA)
"no longer certain", Haiku Dialogue on Ad Astra (December 2021, USA)
"as if", Haiku Dialogue on Ad Astra (December 2021, USA)
"freediving", Haiku Dialogue on Ad Astra (December 2021, USA)
"time dilating", Haiku Dialogue on Ad Astra (December 2021, USA)
"dark morning", brass bell (January 2022, USA)
"second chances", Haiku Dialogue on Ad Astra (January 2022, USA)
"winter storm", Neo-classical Haiku, World Haiku Review (February 2022, Japan)
"second booster", Vanguard Haiku, World Haiku Review (February 2022, Japan)
"cold change", Vanguard Haiku, World Haiku Review (February 2022, Japan)
"the massive void", Vanguard Haiku, World Haiku Review (February 2022, Japan)
"beach day", brass bell (March 2022, USA)
"dad's death anniversary", "anniversaire de la mort de papa" Haiku University Weekly Best, (21-27 February 2022, USA)
"alone I carry the groceries", "seule je porte les courses" Haiku University Weekly Best, (7-13 February 2022, USA)
"matin de printemps", Ma Maison la Terre (21 March 2022, France)
"calm night", "nuit calme", Haiku University Weekly Best (28 February-6 March 2022, USA)
"birdsong", "le chant des oiseaux", Haiku University Weekly Best (14-20 March 2022, USA)
"duvet", brass bell (April 2022, USA)
"emerging", brass bell (May 2022, USA)
"crackling", brass bell (July 2022, USA)
"after a run", brass bell (August 2022, USA)
"kitchen herbs", brass bell (October 2022, USA)
"still faster than me", brass bell (November 2022, USA)
"In the Wake of War", The Book of Hope (5/02, Iceland)
"The Final Stand", The World Healing Book (5/02, Iceland)
"Antimatter", Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 3 (6/03, USA)
"The Corpse", Dust Devil (10/02, USA)
"Last Supper", Dust Devil (10/02, USA)
"Rage of Rain", Dust Devil (10/02, USA)
"A Collection of Nightmares", October Rush (10/03, USA), Illumen (August 2015, USA)
"That Evening", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Absinthe", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Revelation", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Restitution", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Bruises", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Crimes of Our Youth", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Ravenous", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Osteo", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Burrow", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Cut", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Decomposition", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Three", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Two", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"One", Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"Trophy", The Darkest Shade (10/03, USA)
"Manifest", The Darkest Shade (10/03, USA)
"Pink", The Darkest Shade (10/03, USA)
"Wrath", The Darkest Shade (10/03, USA)
"Toward Mercury", Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 4 (9/04, USA)
"Portal", Portals (6/03, USA)
"Time Travel", Portals (6/03, USA)
"Phoenix Rise and Fall", Penumbric's Best of Year One (8/03, USA)
"Eaters of the Dead", Best of Fables (05, USA)
"I, Now", Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 4 (9/04, USA)
"In Her Palm Lies Nature", Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 4 (9/04, USA)
"Medusa in LA", The 2006 Rhysling Anthology (6/06, USA)
"Portal", ASIM Best of Anthology (06/07, Australia)
"Exquisite", Exquisite Corpuscle (09, USA)
"Dreams of Bone", Mythic Delirium Anthology (10/14, USA)
"Medusa in LA", The Museum of All Things Awesome and That Go Boom (April 2016, USA)
"Wolves by the Gate", Weird Fiction Review #6 (January 2016, USA)
"The Skin Carver", Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase Volume II (2015, USA)
"Electroconvulsive Therapy Session One", Beyond The Wall of Death: Lovecraft @ 125 (August 2015, UK)
"Superhero Dreams At Halloween", Hallowe'en (October 2015, UK)
"Ghost on my Porch", Hallowe'en (October 2015, UK)
"Halloween Masks", Hallowe'en (October 2015, UK)
"Red Planet", Mars (March 2016, UK)
"The Secret on Mars", Mars (March 2016, UK)
"Live on Mars", Mars (March 2016, UK)
"Pumpkin Girl", Zen of the Dead (November 2015, USA)
"Death's Other Superpowers", Weird Fiction Review #7 (November 2016, UK)
"When She Cried", The Best of Kindness 2016 (April 2016, USA)
"moon sea jellies", Equatorial Calm (November 2016, Singapore)
"ocean bed", Equatorial Calm (November 2016, Singapore)
"giant isopod", Equatorial Calm (November 2016, Singapore)
"bubbler jellies", Equatorial Calm (November 2016, Singapore)
"Medusa in sea grass", Equatorial Calm (November 2016, Singapore)
"tiptoeing past", Equatorial Calm (November 2016, Singapore)
"seeing", Equatorial Calm (November 2016, Singapore)
"manta rays cast", Equatorial Calm (November 2016, Singapore)
"Just as Papa Said", Undead: A Poetry Anthology of Ghouls, Ghosts, and More (2017, USA)
"Tenderly", The Best of Kindness 2017 (April 2017, USA)
"the gravity", the arithmetic of sparrows: Best of Paper Lanterns (vol. 1) (April 2018, USA)
"Twenty Years", Passages: Best of New Myths (2018, USA)
"Inheritance", Haunted Are These Houses (2018, USA)
"The Dolls", Do Not Go Quietly (2019, USA)
"When There Are Monsters", Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase Vol. VI (2019, USA)
"The Old Gods of Light", Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities and Other Horrors (2020, USA)
"The Vodyanoy", Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities and Other Horrors (2020, USA)
"Fenrir", Twilight Worlds (Winter 2019, USA)
"In the End, Only the Gods", LOST Anthology (2020, USA)
"the half-life", leaning into reeds: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2019, (2020, USA)
"meteor shower", The Haiku Foundation's Per Diem: Daily Haiku: scifaiku, (January 2020, USA)
"unable to sleep", The Red Moon Anthology of Tanka, (2020, USA)
"learning to cherish", The Red Moon Anthology of Tanka, (2020, USA)
"Haunted", Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase (2020, USA)
"Lost Little Girl", Tales of the Lost: Volume II (May 2020, USA)
"The Infinite Lives of the Little Match Girl", CHIRAL MAD 5 (Summer 2022, USA)
"Fury", Black Cranes (2020)
"Haunted", Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase (2020, USA)
"Anaesthesia", 2020 Poetry Marathon Anthology (2020, USA)
"Magic Show", Midnight Under the Big Top (October 2020, USA)
"The Clown", Midnight Under the Big Top (October 2020, USA)
"Lucifer at the Carnival", Midnight Under the Big Top (October 2020, USA)
"Cages", Midnight Under the Big Top (October 2020, USA)
"Together", Like Sunshine After Rain (June 2021, USA)
"A Wish for You", Like Sunshine After Rain (June 2021, USA)
"The Company of a Cat", Like Sunshine After Rain (June 2021, USA)
"Our Brief Time in the Sun", Like Sunshine After Rain (June 2021, USA)
"The Fragility of Birds", WERE TALES: A SHAPESHIFTER ANTHOLOGY (2021, USA)
"Other Fears", Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology (2021, USA)
"Unbreakable", Southwest Review (2021, USA)
"Welcome to Hell", ATTACK OF THE '80S (9 November 2021, USA)
"The End", Best of Penumbric vol iv (1 November 2021, USA)
"La Sayona", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"El Culebron", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"The Massacooramaan", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"La Ciguapa", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"Yacumama", Shadow Atlas (November 2021, USA)
"Final Girl: A Life in Horror", Interstellar Flight Magazine Best of Year Two (November 2021, USA)
"dead lotus", Winter SAIJIKI International (August 2022, USA)
"The Art of Healing", Of Horror and Hope (July 2022, USA)
"Other Fears", Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology (July 2022, USA)
"Do Not Be Afraid Of The Monster Under The Bed" Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"Mother Moon", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"Stumps", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"The Art of Violence", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"The Eternal Sleep of Stone", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"The Monster With a Smile", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"The World in a Dream", Weird Tales #365 (July 2022, USA)
"The Only Thing a Cat Can Do", The Weird Cat (October 2023, USA)
"Playground of the Gods", QUALIA NOUS, VOL. 2 (2024, USA)
"Indifference", Indifference (2/02, USA)
"Resurrection Man", Resurrection Man (2/02, USA)
"The Sad Girl", The Sad Girl (2/02, USA)
"The Girl in the Picture", The Sad Girl (2/02, USA)
"Planet in a Ghost Town Galaxy", Keep the Universe Beautiful (2/02, USA)
"The Intruders", Keep the Universe Beautiful (2/02, USA)
"Keep the Universe Beautiful", Keep the Universe Beautiful (2/02, USA)
"Communion", Blood Samples #3 (1/02, USA)
"Invitation", Blood Samples #3 (1/02, USA)
"Not the Green Peas", Story House (8/02, USA)
"Drill", Lunatic Chameleon #1 (8/02, USA), Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings (1/03, USA)
"The Suitor", Blood Samples #5 (4/03, USA)
"The Thing in the Cage", Blood Samples #5 (4/03, USA)
"Renewal", The Martian Wave (9/02, USA)
"Young Love", Blood Samples Special Issue (2/03, USA)
"The Assassin Program", Penumbric (10/04, USA), Outposts of Beyond (July 2018, USA), Sins and Other Worlds (October 2018, USA)
"The Closed Window", Fantastic Stories of the Imagination (7/15, USA)
"Red", Space and Time (2018, USA)
"Monitor", Alban Lake Publishing's 6th Great Lake Drabble Contest: What if the monitor stares back at you? (2016, USA)
"A Little Red", Grievous Angel (28 February 2017, UK)
"Fenrir", New Myths (June 2017, USA)
"The Future Conquerers", Alban Lake Publishing's First Special Drabble Contest, Alien Bedtime Stories! (2017, USA), Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles (2018, USA)
"Sir Jack and the Bad Elf", Frostfire Worlds (August 2018, USA)
"The Many Lives of Swan Everly", Outposts of Beyond (October 2018, USA)
"Luci", Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles (2018, USA)
"Mars Base", Martian Magazine (2018, USA)
"Darkest Planet in the Universe", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (August 2018, USA)
"Hellava Journey", New Myths (December 2018, USA)
"The Evolution of Extraordinary Creatures", Drabble Harvest #11: Unnatural Wildlife Handbook (October 2018, USA)
"Ain't the Wild West", Drabble Harvest: Space Western (2018, USA)
"A World Beneath the Amber Sky", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (September 2018, USA)
"The Division of Twins", Alluvium (December 2018, China)
"The Old Bones", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (November 2018, USA)
"The Goblin", Daily Science Fiction (2019, USA)
"The Execution", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (December 2018, USA)
"How It Began", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (January 2019, USA)
"The Girl in the Mirror", New Myths (2019, USA)
"A Gathering of Crows", Tales from the Moonlit Path (August 2019, USA)
"The Gift of Death", Space and Time #136 (Spring 2020, USA)
"The Price of Privilege", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (March 2020, USA)
"Fury", Black Cranes (2020)
"Sunrise", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (August 2020, USA)
"One Day at Recess in the Convent of the Blessed Mother on Victoria Street", PROFESSOR CHARLATAN BARDOT'S TRAVEL ANTHOLOGY TO THE MOST (FICTIONAL) HAUNTED BUILDINGS IN THE WEIRD, WILD WORLD (November 2020, USA)
"The Faerie Cat", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (November 2020, USA)
"Fenrir", Twilight Worlds: The Best of NewMyths Volume II (December 2020, USA)
"It's Full Moon Kind of Night", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (December 2020, USA)
"86th Birthday", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (March 2021, USA)
"The Last Train", Ladies of Horror Flash Project (April 2021, USA)
"The Eternal Fire", Penumbric (June 2021, USA)
"One Dark Night", Penumbric (December 2021, USA)
"The Girl from Sarpedon", Musing of the Muses (May 2022, USA)
"History of our World", Penumbric (June 2022, USA)
"Mama Yaga", Into the Forest (November 2022, USA)
"The Doll", New Myths (December 2022, USA)
"Shiny", Ladies of Horror Flash (January 2023, USA)
"The Hand", black and white line art, Scifaikuest Print Edition (August 2018, USA)
"Fly to the Moon", black and white line art, Scifaikuest Print Edition (November 2018, USA)
"Hanging Tree", black and white line art, Disturbed Digest (2017, USA)
"Arrows", black and white line art, Alban Lake Publishing (2017, USA)
"A Tree in Hand", black and white line art, Alban Lake Publishing (2017, USA)
"Perched", black and white line art, Scifaikuest Print Edition (November 2018, USA)
"Young Witch to Saturn", black and white line art, Star*Line 40.4 (October 2017, USA)
"The Last Day" (Cover Art), oil on canvas, digitally filtered, Gnarled Oak Issue 14 (November 2017, USA)
"Into the Light", black and white watercolour, Star*Line 41.1 (Winter 2018, USA)
"Blue World", watercolour on paper, Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2018, USA)
"Waiting Together" (Cover Art), watercolour on paper, Dreams and Nightmares #109 (2018, USA)
"Adrift to Saturn", black and white line art, Scifaikuest (February 2019, USA)
"First Time on a Swing", black and white watercolour, Star*Line 41.2 (April 2018, USA)
"Dreams of Flight", ink on paper, Star*Line (2018, USA)
"Preparing to Fly", ink on paper, Star*Line (2018, USA)
"Cat World", ink on paper, Star*Line (2018, USA)
"Just Another Day", comic, Space Squid (2018, USA)
"Happiest Childhood Memories", black and white digital painting, Star*Line (2018, USA)
"Cat's Eye" (Cover Art), watercolour on paper, Illumen (Autumn 2018, USA)
"Worlds Collide", digital painting, Star*Line 42.1 (January 2019, USA)
"Dreams of Another World" (Cover Art), digital painting, Scifaikuest Print (February 2020, USA)
"Inside" (Cover Art), digital painting, Scifaikuest Online (February 2020, USA)
"Daybreak", Colorado Boulevard: Seeing the World Differently (November 2018, USA)
"World Catcher", Colorado Boulevard: Seeing the World Differently (November 2018, USA)
"All the Ink in My Blood" (Cover Art), Scifaikuest Online (February 2019, USA)
"Parallel Worlds", Colorado Boulevard: Silver Lining (December 2018, USA)
"Lies the Tree Told", digital painting, Star*Line 42.1 (January 2019, USA)
"Journey", Japanese brush art (Back Cover), Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2019, USA)
"Battle", line art, Star*Line 42.2 (Spring 2019, USA)
"Light in the Darkness" (Cover Art), pastel nagomi art, Random Planets (2019, USA)
"Worlds Beyond Our Imagination" (Cover Art), pastel nagomi art, Scifaikuest Print (August 2019, USA)
"Sunset Cattails", pastel nagomi art, Colorado Boulevard: Childhood Memories (September 2019, USA)
"Into the Woods", digital ink painting, Colorado Boulevard: Childhood Memories (September 2019, USA)
"Inside" (Cover Art), Scifaikuest Online (February 2020, USA)
"Dreams of Another World" (Cover Art), Scifaikuest (February 2020, USA)
"The Battle", ink, Star*Line 43.1 (2020, USA)
"The Arrival", ink, Star*Line 43.2 (April 2020, USA)
"Hope", digital ink, Akitsu Quarterly (Autumn 2020, USA)
"To the Moon", digital ink, Akitsu Quarterly (Autumn 2020, USA)
"Hunter's Moon", digital ink, Akitsu Quarterly (Autumn 2020, USA)
"Contemplating the Moon", digital art, Penumbric (June 2020, USA)
"The War Upon Us", digital art, Penumbric (June 2020, USA)
"Light in the Darkness", digital art, Penumbric (June 2020, USA)
"Friends" (Cover Art), digital art, Shelter of Daylight (September 2020, USA)
"Snowstorm", pastel, Penumbric (2020, USA)
"Starry Night", pastel, Penumbric (2020, USA)
"Pensive Cat", Japanese sumi-e, Akitsu Quarterly (Spring 2021, USA)
"Bird Girl" (Cover Art), Illumen (April 2021, USA)
"Tree of Life" (Cover Art), New Myths (December 2020, USA)
"Into the Woods" (Cover Art), Midnight Comes Early ~ a poetry collection by Marcie Tentchoff (2021, USA)
"Eva", Penumbric (2021, USA)
"They Cut Me Up", Penumbric (2021, USA)
"I Write In My Head" (Cover Art), Riddled with Arrows Issue 4.1: Scan the Horizon (March 2021, USA)
"If It Is To Be, It's Up To Me", Star*Line (2021, USA)
"The Humans are Flying", Penumbric (2022, USA)
"Play Does Not Cease During War", Penumbric (2021, USA)
"I Hold a Cloud", Penumbric (2021, USA)
"They're Here", Penumbric (2021, USA)
"Against the Storm" (Cover Art), Illumen (Winter 2022, USA)
"They're Here", Scifaikuest (February 2022, USA)
"Falling", Scifaikuest (May 2022, USA)
"After the Snowstorm", Electric Haiga (2016, UK)
"Treasuring", Akitsu Quarterly (Winter 2016, USA)
"Blown Away", Grievous Angel (23 August 2017, UK)
"Racing for Shelter", Scifaikuest (August 2017, USA)
"Wondering", Scifaikuest (August 2018, USA)
"not alone", Natural Awakenings Magazine (December 2017, USA)
"insomnia", Akitsu Quarterly (Summer 2020, USA)
"The Nature of Fear", Interstellar Flight Magazine (July 2023, USA)
"The Demon-Haunted Girl", Unquiet Spirits (February 2023, USA)
"Commentary: Has reading for pleasure vanished from our lives forever?", Channel NewsAsia (25 June 2023, Singapore)
"I write horror stories and poems for a living because I used to live in a haunted house", Channel NewsAsia (12 January 2023, Singapore)
"Dream of a Thousand Cats", Interstellar Flight Magazine (December 2022, USA)
"How to Read a Speculative Haiku", Interstellar Flight Magazine (December 2022, USA)
"The Horror of 24/7", Interstellar Flight Magazine (October 2022, USA)
"Cat Horror", Interstellar Flight Magazine (October 2022, USA)
"Even the Stoic Weep When They Meet Death", Interstellar Flight Magazine (October 2022, USA)
"The Art of Speculative Haiku", Writing Poetry in the Dark (October 2022, USA)
"The Fantastic Ms Yuriko Smith", Interstellar Flight Magazine (February 2022, USA)
"A Man of Many Hats", Interstellar Flight Magazine (November 2021, USA)
"A New Halloween", Interstellar Flight Magazine (October 2021, USA)
"The Incredible Mr Jamal Hodge", Interstellar Flight Magazine (September 2021, USA)
"Jason Erik Lundberg: An American Writer in Asia", Interstellar Flight Magazine (September 2021, USA)
"The Trailblazing Ms Flynn", Interstellar Flight Magazine (September 2021, USA)
"The Enduring Power of Heritage", Interstellar Flight Magazine (March 2021, USA)
"How Heritage Affects the Stories We Live and the Stories We Tell", Interstellar Flight Magazine (February 2021, USA)
"Love is a Many Splendored Thing", Cinemania (February 2021, USA)
"The Queen's Gambit Got Me To Play Chess Again", Cinemania (January 2021, USA)
"A Journey into the Darkness of a Violent Mind: A commentary on the American horror movie Becky (2020)", Cinemania (January 2021, USA)
"Peppermint (2018): A Review", FanFare (December 2020, USA)
"The Boys: A Subversive Tale of Superheroes", Cinemania (December 2020, USA)
"5 Tips on Self-Healing During Tumultuous Times", The Ascent (November 2020, USA)
"Make Writing Your Therapy", Write Like a Girl (November 2020, USA)
"Poltergeist Revisited", Interstellar Flight Magazine (October 2020, USA)
"Final Girl: A Life in Horror", Interstellar Flight Magazine (October 2020, USA), Interstellar Flight Magazine Best of Year Two (November 2021, USA)
"How To Trim Your Cat's Claws", Creatures (October 2020, USA)
"Your Cat's Sleep Cycle Changes Over The Years", MuddyUm (October 2020, USA)
"I'm Trying To Sleep But My Stomach Disagrees", MuddyUm (October 2020, USA)
"How I Began To Breathe Again", In Fitness And In Health (October 2020, USA)
"The Strange Phenomena of Food Coma and Anesthesia", MuddyUm (October 2020, USA)
"8 Ways Your Cats Tell You They Love You", Creatures (October 2020, USA)
"How to Bathe Your Cat", Catness (October 2020, USA)
"My Cat Does More Than Sleep All Day", Catness (October 2020, USA)
"I Saved a Lizard from a Sticky Wrapper", Creatures (October 2020, USA)
"Who Will Care For Your Cat When You Go Away?", Creatures (September 2020, USA)
"Why You Should Adopt an Older Cat", Creatures (September 2020, USA)
"The Joys of Living with a Cat", Catness (September 2020, USA)
"A Guide to Self-Care", In Fitness And In Health (August 2020, USA)
"The Best Superhero TV Series to Watch with Your Daughter", Interstellar Flight Magazine (August 2020, USA)
"Hong Kong Swordfighting Sagas of my Childhood", Ladies of Horror Fiction for National Poetry Month (April 2019, USA)
"Horror and Halloween in Singapore by Christina Sng", Horror Writers Association (October 2018, USA)
"The Family Doctor with a Difference", Health & Sciences Courses Now (1/2004, Malaysia)
"Contact Centres in India", Jones Lang LaSalle (10/2003, Singapore)
"Shanghai Office Market: Minimising the Roller Coaster Effect", Jones Lang LaSalle (8/2003, Singapore)
"World Winning Cities II: Potential Urban Rising Stars of the Future", Jones Lang LaSalle (5/2003, Singapore)
"What Corporates Want", Jones Lang LaSalle (5/2003, Singapore)
"Writing for the Web", IT Courses Now (11/2002, Malaysia)
"Women in Engineering", Engineering Courses Now (9/2002, Malaysia)
"Living Companions", Aribella (8/2002, USA)
"The Importance of Human Resource Management", Business Courses Now (6/2002, Malaysia)
"Great Salesmanship: a consumer's view", Business Courses Now (6/2002, Malaysia)
"Web Development: A Microevolution", IT Courses Now (5/2002, Malaysia)
"What to Look for in an Art College", Art, Design, and Mass Comm Courses Now (3/2002, Malaysia)
"Make the Most of Your University Life", Business Courses Now (12/2001, Malaysia)
"A Portrait of Philip Jeyaretnam", Lien (11/2001, Singapore); Coverage (12/2002, Singapore)
"Finding the Right University Abroad", IT Courses Now (11/2001, Malaysia)
"Whither the Broadband Key to iTV", Asia Pacific Broadcasting (6/2001, Singapore)
"IDA rolls out strategy for digital convergence", Asia Pacific Broadcasting (6/2001, Singapore)
"Webcasting: The Die is Cast", Asia Pacific Broadcasting (6/2001, Singapore)
"The Ultimatte Bluescreen Compositing Technology", Asia Pacific Broadcasting (6/2001, Singapore)
"Tradition", poem, A Day in the Life of Singapore (26/10-6/11/01, Singapore)
"Cutting Edge", poem, A Day in the Life of Singapore (26/10-6/11/01, Singapore)
"Wet Market", poem, A Day in the Life of Singapore (26/10-6/11/01, Singapore)
"Sand Castles", poem, A Day in the Life of Singapore (26/10-6/11/01, Singapore)
"Lost Art", poem, A Day in the Life of Singapore (26/10-6/11/01, Singapore)
"Spring Morning", poem, The Golden Triangle, Washington DC (March 2016, USA)
"A Collection of Nightmares", book, Poets House (June 28-August 18, 2018, NYC, USA)
"Volition", poem, The Fox Poetry Box (2019, St. Charles, Illinois, USA)
"Love Moon", painting, LOVE STORIES Art Exhibition (November 2019, Singapore)
"Love Myself", painting, LOVE STORIES Art Exhibition (November 2019, Singapore)
"Voyage to Save the World", painting, The Fox Poetry Box (November 2019, St. Charles, Illinois, USA)
"Together", poem and painting, The Fox Poetry Box (2020, St. Charles, Illinois, USA)
"Into the Woods", A Collective Reunion with Reality, The Rice Company Limited (2021, Singapore)
"Twigs Across a Puddle", A Collective Reunion with Reality, The Rice Company Limited (2021, Singapore)
"Together", A Collective Reunion with Reality, The Rice Company Limited (2021, Singapore)
"A Collection of Dreamscapes", book, Poets House (July 2023, New York, USA)
Singapore Writers Festival (Singapore, 2015-2020, 2022)
Night@Lib (Singapore, 2019)
C'monfluence (USA, 2020)
TBR CON (USA, 2022)
Ghoulish Tales: The Visceral Power Of Southeast Asian Horror, Words Go Round: Bite-sized (July 2023, Singapore)
The Art of Horror Poetry, Singapore Book Council (29 October 2022, Singapore)
4-Day Workshop on Horror Fiction with the Advanced Topic Writing and Publication students, Singapore American School (February 2019)
The Poetry of Dark Dreams, Singapore Writers Festival (2018)
The Dark Side of Poetry, Singapore Writers Festival (2016)
"The Darkside of Eden", Allegra Press, 2002
"Angelflesh", Sam's Dot Publishing, 2002
"Dark Dreams", Naked Snake Press, 2006; Smashwords, 2011; Allegra Press (limited run), 2016
"A Constellation of Songs", Origami Poems Project, 2016; Allegra Press, 2016
"Catku", Allegra Press, 2016
"An Assortment of Sky Things", Allegra Press (limited run), 2016
"Astropoetry", Alban Lake Publishing, March 2017
"The Birth of New Things", Poems-For-All, October 2020
"The Serenity of Dreams", Poems-For-All, October 2020
"A Collection of Nightmares", Raw Dog Screaming Press, July 2017
"A Collection of Dreamscapes", Raw Dog Screaming Press, April 2020
"Tortured Willows" with Lee Murray, Gene Flynn, and Angela Yuriko Smith, Yuriko Publishing, October 2021
"The Gravity of Existence", Interstellar Flight Press, 2022
* Featured Poet / Showcase